
Abortion facility reviews detail life-threatening complications even in ‘pro-choice’ states 

abortion, Ohio, DIY abortions, abortion

Pro-abortion media reports are highlighting the deaths of two Georgia women, Amber Thurman and Candi Miller, who both tragically died following the use of abortion pills. Their stories have been used by the media to spread the false narrative that women are dying because of pro-life state laws.

In Thurman’s case, she developed sepsis, which is a known risk of the abortion pill mifepristone and is listed on the abortion pill’s black box warning. Media propagandists are ignoring this risk factor, and blaming pro-life laws for these women’s deaths. 

The question that the media obscures is: Do similar situations occur in pro-abortion states? 

Between September and October of 2024, Live Action News gathered Google reviews of multiple U.S. abortion facilities, ostensibly written by women who have undergone abortions at those facilities, which indicate the state the woman is in has little to do with complications experienced. What was found suggests that abortion facilities across the nation fail to provide adequate follow-up care. 

Google Reviews of Abortion Facilities in North Carolina

Thurman obtained the abortion pill from a facility in North Carolina before returning home to Georgia, where she died after developing sepsis and suffering from medical neglect when doctors in Georgia failed to treat her promptly. Did the abortion facility in pro-abortion North Carolina fail to offer a proper follow-up to Thurman?

‘I was dismissed quite a few times’

In a review of A Preferred Women’s Health Center of Charlotte, one woman wrote:

Went into here for a medication abortion. Everything went well until about 2 weeks after the procedure. I went back in for a foul smell and still bleeding a bit. I was dismissed quite a few times. […] I went and saw the doctor he told me I had bv [bacterial vaginosis]. After all of this I felt like they didn’t really care much about my problems I was having so I ended up going to the er.

When I went to the er they seemed extremely concerned . I was told that I have an extreme amount of blood and after another transvaginal ultrasound it was found out that I also have retained product hence why the smell. If I didn’t get a second opinion who knows what would have happened.

The woman, who wrote the review in the summer of 2024, appears to have suffered from an incomplete abortion after taking the abortion pill and then was dismissed by the facility. 

‘I have a uterine infection and am in crippling pain from the abortion being incomplete.’

Another Georgia woman who took the abortion pill in North Carolina reviewed A Preferred Women’s Health Center of Charlotte, and wrote:

… I ended up having an incomplete abortion. Now, a month later I have a uterine infection out of this world and am in crippling pain and have crazy symptoms from the abortion being incomplete. I called them before going to the ER and the lady on the phone […] told me to come in for a follow up next week. NEXT WEEK?

Mind you I told her my symptoms, that I don’t live in NC, how much pain i’m in, and that is has been a month since the abortion. I repeated that that isnt a good idea, and I couldnt wait that long and if I should just go to the ER.

She said “well we may be able to get you in this week for a follow up” I do not need a follow up. It is too late for a follow up and im not driving all the way there for a follow up when it didn’t work the first time. 

READ: FEIGNED FURY: Abortion advocates only care about abortion pill clients dying in pro-life states

This review, written in 2023, tells a story similar to Thurman’s. The author of this post is from Atlanta and traveled to North Carolina for the abortion pill. She alleged that the abortion facility did not give her the proper medical advice or dosage, and as a result, she suffered an “incomplete abortion” which resulted in “crippling pain” and a “uterine infection.” 

This woman concluded, “I should have known, the clinic workers did not seem to care about the patients. They were friendly but they were way too lackadaisical and gave all wrong information. The clinic was not the cleanest, and it felt like a assembly line or factory. Would not recommend ever.”

Is it likely that abortion facilities in states like North Carolina, where Thurman also went for her abortion pills, are more concerned with the volume of patients they can see than with the quality of care they provide? Are abortion facility staff taking patients’ symptoms seriously?

“I’ve been bleeding for two months”

Another former patient of A Preferred Women’s Health Center of Charlotte claimed just two months ago:

I took the pill and I’ve been bleeding for 2 months. Don’t do it ladies[.]

“Had to go to the ER”

A review of A Woman’s Choice of Raleigh, published in 2022, alleged that a patient suffered from heavy bleeding and blood clots due to an incomplete surgical abortion, and had to visit the ER.

I came back for my checkup and was told i was fine ! Had very unusual bleeding very heavy had to go to the ER the ER told me i had retained fetal left inside ! Went back to them to let them know what the ER said was told “ they always send people back and pretty much be lying “ sent me home told me i was fine come back in 2 weeks !

Went back was sent home told everything was fine ! that VERY same day i bled so heavy !! I had 4 huge blood clots come out had to go to the hospital come to find out i still have retained product left in me ! Even though i was told i was good ! Now i have to get a D&C done […]

Google Reviews of Abortion Facilities in Florida, Maryland, Nebraska, and Ohio

“I ended up in the ER”

A review of All Women’s Health Center of Orlando, Inc. posted a few months ago by Morgan, claimed a shocking lack of care on the part of the abortionist and staff:

I learned the hard way that this place does not care about their patients. It’s a money making factory and to them your just a number. The doctor won’t give you the time of day even when complications arise and it’s very unprofessional. I was told after a second round of pills that I would have to pay an additional 180 dollars to be checked if it worked and I was okay even though it’s their job to make sure the procedure was completed accurately.

When I called with a uterine infection the nurse was SO […un]believably rude and not compassionate in any way basically argued with me over the phone about my symptoms then when I finally got in touch with a doctor about how it hurt very bad when I touched my stomach he responded with “well don’t touch your stomach”

needless to say I ended up the ER for follow up care and this place should be shut down.

“Ended up in the hospital close to death”

Another patient of All Women’s Health Center of Orlando, Inc. claimed in a review posted four years ago that the facility staff’s complete lack of concern and care, both during and after her abortion, contributed to her “close to death” experience:

Dreadful experience both times I came here. Ended up in the hospital close to death because the nurses refused to take me seriously when I called with concerns about blood loss several times.

I went back because after I told them what happened the Dr finally took my call. He seemed remorseful and wanted to help in any way in the future. I went back for a surgical procedure and everyone was cold, he didn’t greet me before the procedure, I was sedated, in pain but couldn’t move, and then the several people in the room after just pulled me up and took me to another room without a word.

Another poor young girl was led into the room after me, she vomited and asked for help and was completely ignored.

I left regretting ever stepping foot into this building. […] Paying thousands in medical bills because these nurses and medical staff are clueless.

“An infection that almost killed her”

This review posted two months ago about Potomac Family Planning Center, located in pro-abortion Maryland, claims that a woman plans to file a lawsuit against the facility over a botched abortion.

My best girl is getting an attorney after they left her with an infection that almost killed her. She became septic because they botched the procedure.

The media is likely unconcerned with the lack of care women who have abortions in Maryland receive — because the state has pro-abortion laws.

“3 different trips to the emergency room”

This review, published in 2024, of East Cypress Women’s Center, in Florida, alleged that facility staff did not complete a woman’s abortion, which resulted in “emergency surgery 24 hours later.”

My girlfriend went in for a procedure that was not done to completion causing her to be violently ill then having to have emergency surgery 24 hours later. […] the doctor seems a bit elderly to still be practicing and obviously very negligent. Seemed like he was more interested in commenting on her tattoos saying she “must get around” and rushing to the bagel shop next door than making sure he completed the procedure.

[…] In regards to your response, unfortunately your office was contacted and we were given a recommendation to wait until going to the hospital ending in 3 different trips to the emergency room, surgery and countless rounds of antibiotics. There’s a reason your practice hasn’t received many positive reviews in the past several years. 

‘They will neglect you’

A review of CARE-Clinics for Abortion & Reproductive Excellence in Bellevue, Nebraska, alleged the abortion facility falsely told her that there would be follow-up calls to clients after the abortion pill regimen.

Went here for a chemical procedure 12/10/21, the medical professionals promise follow up phone/calls appointments but they do not do them. It is false advertisement, they do not care about what happens to your body afterwards and they will neglect you.

If you don’t want to be shamed for this type of procedure, yes go here but be prepared to know that the money you paid for procedure will not give you a follow up appointment they say this to be in accordance with Nebraska state laws and they are liars.

The reviewer included a screenshot of a message the woman sent to the clinic complaining of the lack of follow-up care that she was promised.

‘Within 2 days I was in the emergency room with fever, a blood clot, Sepsis’

Google user, Rebecca, alleged she suffered from “sepsis” after a “botched abortion” at Preterm, an abortion facility in Cleveland, Ohio, with a known history of injuring women:

My 1st surgical procedure the abortion was not fully completed. Botched abortion. Within 2 days I was in the emergency room with fever and a blood clot in the uterus with Sepsis had to have emergency surgery the wait was way to long beacuse they over book they cattle everybody out to 1 room like a herd instead of having very own privacy I will never again go here or recommend anybody too. I also went back to preterm when i was having sepsis symptoms … had me waiting in the waiting area forever when i kept telling them i was running a fever and was very sick

I finally had my friend tell me we had to go that I was looking very bad so we went to the emergency room they took me straight back and started an iv of antibiotics before doing an ultra sound and cat scan before the surgery. Never again I went threw hell and almost never seen my kids again.

The above reviews show a shocking lack of medical competence and care for women by abortion facility staff, strongly suggesting that Thurman and Miller are not the only women who faced potentially life-threatening complications following abortions.

Moreover, these reviews show the injustice and mendacity of the media, which has been using Thurman’s and Miller’s tragic deaths to promote more abortion while pretending that the women who suffer similar complications in pro-abortion states don’t exist.

Urge Walmart, Costco, Kroger, and other major chains to resist pressure to dispense the abortion pill

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