The political strategist for New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez might have some explaining to do. It has been reported that on Saturday, June 21st, Jay McClesky unleashed his anger towards a group of pro-life demonstrators in Albuquerque, saying ‘You are all pieces of sh*t.’ He was identified as the individual making the remarks, from members of the pro-life organization Protest ABQ, led by Bud and Tara Shaver.
Not only does McClesky have to explain why he made the comments, but so does the governor herself, and there are many questions in response to this. For example, did he say it just because he was in an extremely bad mood that day? I doubt it. If he really isn’t pro-life, then the next question is why Martinez chose him to work for her. It can also be possible that McClesky claimed to be pro-life, and Martinez believed him.
In response to the controversial comments, McClesky himself said “As a father, I objected to this group terrifying young children innocently playing in their neighborhood on a Saturday morning, including my 8 year old son, with grotesque posters and billboards of dead fetuses, and I think most parents would share my disgust.” If he was pro-life, then he would know it is common to have pictures of aborted babies on posters and billboards.
Now the question is how pro-life Susana Martinez is. Protest ABQ claims she isn’t pro-life enough, and hasn’t done enough to combat abortion being legalized for all 9 months of pregnancy in New Mexico. Tara Shaver said that the pro-life group didn’t picket at McClesky’s house, and that they go through the entire neighborhood. She also went after Martinez, claiming the governor already knew about McClesky’s comments, and has yet to issue any form of apology over it. Troy Newman, the president of Operation Rescue, has also criticized the governor, claiming she hasn’t done much to fight abortion for the past 4 years.
On the website ‘On the Issues’, it shows Susana Martinez on the topic of abortion opposing federal funding for abortion in August 2010. However, this doesn’t tell us whether she’s full pro-life, opposing race and incest exceptions, nor does it say if she’s passed any pro-life bills in her tenure as governor.
I’m no expert on New Mexico or its pro-life policies, so I’m not going to jump to any conclusions yet. All I can say is that both sides have made claims, and they need to be answered. Martinez says she’s pro-life, while having some pro-lifers criticizing her simultaneously. I hope this can be resolved as soon as possible and that the pro-life demonstrators at Protest ABQ can continue their pro-life walks in peace and not in fear for the future.