At this time of year we often reflect on our blessings and we summarize all that the Divine Creator has done for us. But, as we try to recall all the ways we have been blessed, we should pause in gratitude for life itself. Often, we take for granted the beauty of life and the very complicated design that fashions our very core. The intimate and detailed way we were formed in the womb with the loving and tender hands of our Creator shows that the very essence of life is a gift beyond measure.
The human body is full of secrets we have yet to discover. The intricate details of every cell, organ and bone point to an ordered and intelligent designer who intended every human for a rich and complete purpose on this earth. The uniqueness of each individual forces us to step back in awe. Each human person has been fashioned with expert precision in the womb to emerge and testify of amazing discoveries within the human body.
The human eye alone is so fascinating that when Armenian physics teacher Suren Manvelyan photographed the “window to the soul” he described them as the ‘surfaces of unknown planets.’
Medical Daily reports that our eyes can actually distinguish between 2.3 to 7.5 million colors. They say that when we put our hands together, we capture roughly the size of our heart as it beats 100,000/day, pumping 5.5 liters with each pulse, which is close to 3 million liters of blood every year. If a person were to live to 75, it would fill 90 Olympic size swimming pools, medical daily reported.
More amazing facts here.
![Image credit: screen grab from NatGEO video](
Image credit: screen grab from NatGEO video
Amazingly, just one drop of human blood contains about 10,000 white blood cells and 250,000 platelets and about 10,000 human cells can fit on the head of a pin. In addition, the human liver has an amazing ability to grow back if part of it is removed due to injury, disease, or surgery. It will even grow to be just the right size for the body it’s in. (Source)
![Human Bone credit: screen grab from Discovery video](
Human Bone credit: screen grab from Discovery video
According to Discovery, every seven years a healthy human body completely replaces every single bone cell which keeps our bones incredibly strong and uniquely adaptable. Pound for pound the Human bone is stronger than concrete. It has the strength to weight ratio found in no other known material on earth. It’s secret lies inside: it is a matrix of hollow cells, Discovery says. And surprisingly, half of our bone mass is soft and flexible not hard as would be expected.
The human lung sucks in 70 quarts of air each minute we exercise says, National Geographic. The lungs pull in oxygen from the air and deliver breadth to 1500 miles of airways. The human brain is describe by National Geographic as the most complex object on earth, containing up to 100 billion neurons and nerve cells.
The reproductive system creates new life, each human begins as two single cells, an egg cell from the mother and a sperm cell from the father. The fertilized egg carries the preborn baby’s genetic code. The genes are arranged in chains like a string of pearls called DNA.Every time a cell splits during the fetus’s development, it creates an identical copy of itself in each cell. Each cell carries the genetic code that holds all of the fetus’s traits. (SOURCE)
![Image credit: screen grab from Baby Center video](
Image credit: screen grab from Baby Center video
There are many additional facts like these and they all point to how fascinating the human body is. This is reason to be thankful. In a day when legalized abortion threatens the continuation of this miracle, we reflect with gratitude on life’s wonder. As we assemble with our families this Thanksgiving, as we watch parades and enjoy a meal full of bounty we can celebrate life by reflecting on the incredible design of every human person. We can show our gratitude by not taking life for granted and by protecting every life as the priceless gift of wonder that it truly is.