Shonda Rhimes, the producer behind the “Grey’s Anatomy” universe, has again used her show to promote a pro-abortion agenda — this time, by inverting reality to portray pro-lifers as terrorists.
Despite the pro-abortion propaganda featured so heavily in the newest episode of “Grey’s Anatomy” featuring actress Kate Walsh returning to guest star as OBGYN/neonatologist/abortionist Addison Montgomery, virtually every instance of violence and harassment mentioned has actually happened — except it’s happened to the pro-life movement, at the hands of pro-abortion activists.
This fact has been confirmed by FBI Director Christopher Wray, who testified before Congress last year that approximately 70% of abortion-related violence is directed toward pro-lifers.
Though pro-abortion violence is not new, it has dramatically escalated since Roe v. Wade was overturned last summer. Since then, pregnancy centers, pro-life offices, and even churches have been repeatedly attacked; they have been fire-bombed, vandalized, and been bombarded with Molotov cocktails.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe have been doxxed, leading to an assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and constant protests and harassment have taken place in front of the homes of other justices.
There have also been numerous instances of abortion advocates hitting (or attempting to hit) pro-life sidewalk counselors with their vehicles. This includes a recent incident earlier this month, where an abortionist intentionally struck a pro-lifer, according to the report from the responding officer.
Additionally, the pro-life movement has routinely been accused of violence by the media; they have been portrayed as terrorists, yet violence at the hands of the abortion industry is completely ignored. Abortion advocates have committed crimes such as arson, vandalism, threatening minors with loaded guns, physically assaulting minors, bomb threats, physically assaulting elderly people as they prayed, pouring manure on pro-lifers, stabbings, shootings, and murder.
Yet in the show, virtually every one of these experiences is flipped on its head; each act portrayed takes place at the hands of pro-lifers, with abortion staffers as the victims.
In the episode, Montgomery was asked by Miranda Bailey, played by Chandra Wilson, to teach OB/GYNs residents how to commit abortions at her “reproductive rights” facility. One of the residents was so excited to work with Montgomery that she posted on social media about it, leading a flood of pro-life activists to show up and attack the hospital. Protesters then threw a brick, labeled “Montgomery Murderers,” through the window, hitting a medical resident in the head and giving him a concussion.
In a tearful monologue, Montgomery then talks about the abuse she routinely receives from the pro-life movement:
I can’t quit. I mean, patients need this care, you know? But I put my family in danger, I put your clinic… you are in danger, because of me. How am I going to go tell these new OBs that they’re gonna be okay when I’m not? I am exhausted. I am terrified. I am not okay.
Montgomery explained that abortionists have been attacked with acid and says she has to wear a bulletproof vest. She also says her private address and phone number were put online (doxxing) and says some abortion facilities have been set on fire (in fact, this one was, in real life, set on fire by a career criminal — not a pro-lifer). Then, at the end of the episode, Montgomery and a pregnant doctor are hit by a car, presumably an anti-abortion protester. Their fates will likely be revealed in next week’s episode.
It’s a heavy-handed depiction of a pro-abortion agenda that Rhimes has been pushing more and more frequently… and one that is not remotely based in reality.
Editor’s Note, 3/29/23: We have corrected the spelling of Rhimes’ name. We regret the error.