Just before Easter, the New York Times made “email exchanges on [fetal] tissue requests” publicly available online. These emails, along with other documents, were most likely given to the Times by the House Select Panel that is investigating baby body part harvesting and late-term abortion.
A particularly gruesome set of emails is found in Exhibits B-1, B-2, and B-3. The senders’ identities are blocked, but the conversation is hard to stomach, especially as it becomes obvious the abortion of a later-term baby is taking place while the emails are being written.
Starting in Exhibit B-1, the emails read, in part:
“[C]ould you please have someone contact me with the condition of both the long bones and the calvarium [skull] and I will be happy to let you know if we would like one or both.”
“I will be happy to do that.”
“Just wanted to check in and see if there were any cases within our gestation range for today?”
“There is one case currently in the room, I will let you know how the limbs and calvarium look to see if you are able to take them in about fifteen minutes.”
“Great thank you so much.”
“The Calvarium is mostly intact, with a tear up the back suture line, but all pieces look to be there. The limbs, one upper and one lower are totally intact, with one broken at the humerus [the bone from the shoulder to the elbow], and one lower broken right above the knee. Please let me know if these are acceptable.”
“That sounds great we would like both of them.”
And there we have it, folks. Amid normal pleasantries such as “sounds great” and “thanks again,” we have the body of a baby – whose parts can easily be identified – being killed. We have this body still so whole that the fully intact skull can be exclaimed over, with only a “tear up the back” being noted. We can casually describe and advertise the great quality of the limbs, while admitting that two have been broken in obviously painful ways.
This is the reality of abortion: whole children, killed and parted out, in the name of “convenience” and “research.” It is both that simple and that gruesome.
Every year, over 100,000 babies are aborted in D&E procedures, where their limbs are torn off and broken. A former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino (who committed over 1200 abortions personally) describes the details in the short video below. For more on various abortion procedures, visit AbortionProcedures.com.