
Over half a million signatures on petition calling to defund Planned Parenthood

A Live Action petition calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood has reached over half a million signatures, supporting what Congress and the American people have voiced: The nation’s largest abortion provider should not receive any government funding, and the money allocated for it should be shifted to the many comprehensive care clinics which serve poor and uninsured women.

Live Action’s petition originally said, in part: “Protect the preborn. Demand that Congress end the unconscionable taxpayer-funding of the abortion industry.”


Since the launch of Live Action’s petition, Congress voted to defund Planned Parenthood, as Live Action reported:

In historic votes, both Houses approved legislation to shift Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding to health clinics that don’t commit abortions. This unprecedented move — under the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history — shows Americans are increasingly opposed to public funding for abortion.

However, pro-abortion President Obama went against the American people and Congress and vetoed the bill, which would have helped more women in need. Live Action President Lila Rose responded to Obama’s veto:

President Obama, against the will of the people and the Congress that they elected, is forcing every taxpaying American to subsidize the nation’s biggest abortion chain – a corporation that single-handedly kills over 320,000 children every year by abortion, including children who are up to six months of development in the womb.

In addition to the fact that Americans are increasingly pro-life, it’s important to note that there are 20 government-funded comprehensive health clinics for every one Planned Parenthood in this nation.

adf_pp_UScoverage_20150814_b-1-663x1024So while Planned Parenthood receives over half a billion dollars in government funding every year (while killing over 320,000 preborn babies annually), millions of women can be served if the group’s taxpayer dollars funded comprehensive health clinics.

Over half a million signatures have been obtained by Live Action’s petition, and Congress heard their cry. The American people and their representatives have spoken loudly and clearly. Now it’s time for the president to do what’s right–for the People and for the preborn, who are being annihilated in the womb.

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