Human Rights

Halloween comes to hospitals across the country with adorable NICU costumes

When parents are expecting a baby, no one plans on spending time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). But occasionally, a premature delivery happens, or complications take place, and the baby has to stay in the hospital for longer than expected. While preemies are in the NICU getting stronger, their parents are just praying for them to survive.

That’s exactly why NICU workers across the country go the extra mile to make holidays in the hospital a little bit easier. And the Halloween spirit came with adorable costumes for tiny patients across the country.

Advocate Children’s Hospital

The babies at Advocate Children’s Hospital in Chicago are taking part in a costume contest full of cuteness, which was posted on their Facebook page. There were Disney favorites, like Elsa and Anna and Baby Yoda, as well as other pop culture nods, like Barbie and the Mario Brothers.

“I think it’s so cool that they even do stuff like the little Halloween costume [bash],” dad Louis Leathers told Good Morning America. “I think it’s very good for the parents to boost morale and get an opportunity to dress your child and have fun despite [the babies] still [needing] medical treatment and assistance.”

“[Noah’s] never seen the sun,” mom Elishebah Fils-Aime added. “He doesn’t know the outside exists and … to be able to have those moments to look back on and show him like, ‘Hey, this is you in the hospital, dressed up for Halloween,’ just to show him it wasn’t all struggle, wasn’t all sad [and that] we got to enjoy some of it [is] an amazing thing.”

Tallahassee Memorial Hospital

NICU nurses in Tallahassee made some adorable costumes, including mermaids, mandrakes, and ninja turtles. According to WCTV, the costumes became an annual tradition in 2019 by a nurse inspired by her own time in the NICU.

Oishei Children’s Hospital

In Buffalo, the Children’s Guild Foundation worked to bring some Halloween magic to the Oishei NICU, with parents and other family members working to make the teeny costumes. There were bumblebees and ladybugs, superheroes, and more.

Aurora Health Care

Another hospital held a costume contest, with NICU parents again getting into the Halloween spirit. There was a cowboy, twins dressed as the Super Mario Brothers, Wonder Woman, a troll, and even a taco-loving dragon!

Halloween celebrations have become a tradition for many NICUs, putting their little fighters in homemade outfits every year. But even though these families don’t have the opportunity to celebrate at home, they can still make some magical memories until they’re able to leave.

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