Human Interest

Pregnant mom saves toddler who fell from second-story window


A pregnant woman in Iowa is being hailed as a hero after she caught a toddler who fell out of a second-story window. 

Kyrie Jones was taking her dog for a walk when she noticed that a two-year-old in a neighboring house was throwing toys out of a room on the second floor. 

“I noticed the little boy was bending over the edge of the window, and he was throwing things out the window,” said Jones.

She told the Washington Post that she yelled “No, no, no! Go get Mommy!” to try and stop the child, but didn’t yell anything further as she didn’t want him to lean toward her.

Jones, who is 33 weeks pregnant, attempted to alert the child’s mother by knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell. When no one answered, she returned to the side of the house to see the little boy hanging onto a ledge.

“I stood right underneath him just in case,” she told KCCI. “And I was screaming … The window was open, so I was hoping that someone might hear me.” 

She moved underneath the boy and caught him as he dropped, right before he hit the concrete. 

“He kind of hit my belly a little bit. I think the adrenaline kicked in, and I didn’t feel anything,” said Jones.

The boy was unhurt and Jones was left with a few bruises on her thighs from where the child landed. 

Jones called the police and waited with the boy until they arrived. The police then located the child’s mother, who had left him unsupervised for a “short period” while she was elsewhere in the home.

Jones told the Washington Post that she couldn’t imagine what would have happened had she taken the dog out at another time.

“That’s a pretty high drop, especially onto concrete,” she said with tears, adding, “I would have walked out to either a crime scene or a baby screaming.” 

“I am just glad I was there at the right time,” said Jones. “As long as the baby is safe, I am good.”

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