
HHS floods Planned Parenthood with hundreds of millions more in taxpayer dollars

Planned Parenthood, medicaid, Albuquerque, Lancaster

Planned Parenthood is being flooded with taxpayer dollars through the Federal Title X Family Planning Program days after receiving a $275 million donation from MacKenzie Scott, the ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) release shows that out of the $256.6 million awarded by HHS in grant funding to 76 grantees, more than $14.5 million was given to Planned Parenthood in 12 states, with an additional $17.2 million going to a Maine abortion facility and a heavy advocate of abortion in Hawaii and California. In addition, President Biden’s 2023 budget seeks to increase spending to Title X from $286.479 million to $400 million.

Title X is administered through the Office of Population Affairs (OPA) at HHS. Shortly after taking office in 2021, President Biden issued an executive order instructing HHS to review former President Trump’s “Protect Life” rule, which blocked facilities that received federal Title X family planning funds from providing or referring for abortion. The rule was rescinded by the Biden Administration last fall.

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood presents itself as a health care organization, yet year after year, most of its legitimate health services decline while abortions increase. Despite this fact, in January of 2022, HHS announced the agency was awarding over $1.9 million to three Planned Parenthood affiliates and nearly $1.7 million to other organizations that promote or commit abortions. Just a few months later, the most recent HHS announcement indicates eight Planned Parenthood affiliates will receive $14,568,770 in taxpayer dollars to go to facilities in 12 states.

Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, Inc. (PPSNE) just received $17 million from MacKenzie Scott — and Biden’s HHS, led by strident abortion advocate Secretary Xavier Becerra, just granted PPSNE $1,890,000 in Connecticut.

Live Action News recently documented that a lawsuit filed against PPSNE alleges a PPSNE midwife misdiagnosed a pregnancy that resulted in the death of a 22-week-old baby boy after telling the pregnant woman that she had miscarried at six weeks. Still another alleges PPSNE failed to notice a client was 14 weeks pregnant before inserting an IUD. A third separate lawsuit alleges that a PPSNE abortionists left a woman permanently injured.

In 2020, abortions at PPSNE made up 6% of this affiliate’s services, and according to their annual reports, the affiliate committed 11,514 abortions in 2019 and 11,030 abortions in 2018.

In 2018, Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota (PPMNS) announced a merger with Planned Parenthood of the Heartland to form the new abortion affiliate: Planned Parenthood North Central States (PPNCS), which just received $20 million from MacKenzie Scott. More than three years later, HHS is granting $2,880,000 in taxpayer dollars to PPMNS in Minnesota.

HHS also granted Planned Parenthood South Atlantic (PPSA) $477,720 in North Carolina and $569,980 in South Carolina. The affiliate was formed in 2015 from a merger between Planned Parenthood Health Systems and Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina.

Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (PPNNE) was granted $502,500 in New Hampshire. In 2018, PPNNE committed abortions on 3,554 clients while according to their 2019 annual report, abortion at PPNNE is six percent of the services the affiliate provides.

Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaii, Alaska, Indiana, and Kentucky (PPGNWHAIK) committed 32,603 abortions in 2020 according to the latest annual report. Yet, HHS just gave PPGNWHAIK nearly $2.7 million in Government grants as follows:

  • Alaska – $1,102,570
  • Idaho- $538,040
  • Indiana- $542,670
  • Kentucky-$500,610

Additional funding was granted to Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio ($2,000,000), Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Family Planning & Preventative Health Services ($2,305,890),  and Virginia League for Planned Parenthood ($1,258,790).

Essential Access Health (EAH)

In January Biden’s HHS granted $1.5 million taxpayer dollars to Essential Access Health (EAH) for family planning programs in Hawaii. Months later, the more recent announcement again grants EAH/Hawaii, (which lists Planned Parenthood in their provider network), an additional $2,100,000 in tax monies.

In addition, HHS granted Essential Access Health in California, whose network also includes Planned Parenthood, $13,200,000. EAH is a California-based organization that openly works to expand access to abortion. EAH states online that it is not only a member of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s California Future of Abortion Council, but also a “lead trainer and convener of campus health center partners and stakeholders” to support implementation of the state’s SB24 legislation, which forced California colleges to provide abortion access on campus.


Image: Essential Access Health Part of California Future for Abortion Council a TitleX grantee (Image: Twitter)

Essential Access Health Part of California Future for Abortion Council a TitleX grantee (Image: Twitter)

Family Planning Association of Maine

In January, HHS granted $157,500 to the Family Planning Association of Maine, Inc, which does business as Maine Family Planning and commits abortion up to 14 weeks of pregnancy. Maine FP has been part of the Gynuity-sponsored TelAbortion clinical trialoffering the abortion pill to children as young as 10. The latest HHS announcement grants this abortion facility, which also lists Planned Parenthood as a sub-recipient, an additional $1,925,000 in taxpayer dollars.

Live Action News has previously documented multiple abuses by Planned Parenthood, a top Title X recipient funded in past years to the tune of $60 million dollars annually. These abuses include racism and discrimination, a failure to comply with mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse, a failure to protect patient confidentiality, and many others.

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