Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has been hailed as an advocate for children and families by her campaign and supporters. Recent ads have focused on such work.
Her campaign website has also touched upon “Fighting for children and families.” She also touts her speech at the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing under “Health and human rights.” Her speech referenced “the right to determine freely the number and spacing of the children [women] bear” and the conference called for supporting abortion.
Last week’s Democratic National Convention also portrayed Clinton as a child’s advocate.
While Clinton may have done work with children, this is only after they have been born.
The same campaign website touts her support for abortion, including when she will “Proudly stand with Planned Parenthood,” “Protect women’s health and reproductive rights,” and an extended statement on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
Specifically, Clinton believes children don’t have Constitutional rights until after they’ve been born, even though she used the term “unborn person” while speaking to Chuck Todd of Meet the Press in April.
She also emphasized her support for late-term abortion. “After a certain point in time, I think the life, the health of the mother are clear. And those should be included even as one moves on in that pregnancy,” she told Todd.
The DNC is on board with Clinton’s support for abortion. The party platform endorses not only abortion, but abortion paid for with taxpayer dollars.
The convention also heard from Planned Parenthood CEO and President Cecile Richards, NARAL President Ilyse Hogue and EMILY’s List President Stephanie Schriock, all pro-abortion organizations which endorsed Clinton long before the nomination.