
Quote of the day: Hillary Clinton “reveals a mindset that lacks any compassion for unborn children”

“Secretary Clinton’s comment that an ‘unborn person’ doesn’t have constitutional rights was strikingly callous. My message to Mrs. Clinton is — it’s an unborn child. The analytical coldness with which she dismissed rights of unborn children reveals a type of hardened core that shocks the conscience. Further, abortion restrictions are in place precisely because an unborn child does have constitutional rights. Secretary Clinton, a trained attorney, should know the law. Her comment reveals a mindset that lacks any compassion for unborn children and may signal an intention to use executive action to block even minimal protections of life at its most vulnerable stage.”

~ Press release by Congressman Marsha Blackburn

Rep. Marsha Blackburn serves as Chair of the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives and is Vice Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. She represents the Seventh Congressional District of Tennessee.

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