
Hillary Clinton vows to end law prohibiting taxpayer funding for abortion

Hillary Clinton

Planned Parenthood had a rally this weekend in New Hampshire, and of course, Hillary Clinton was there. This is the first time Planned Parenthood has ever endorsed a candidate in the primaries, and so they had to celebrate, being that they found the perfect pro-abortion candidate to back. At the rally, Cecile Richards and Hillary Clinton wore their promised matching pantsuits:

But Cecile Richards and Planned Parenthood had more to be excited about than matching pantsuits. At the rally, Clinton called for an end to the Hyde Amendment, the federal law prohibiting public funding for abortion.

Even under Hyde Amendment protections, however, federal dollars do still end up paying for abortions, as a number of states publicly fund abortion to some degree.

Yep — she wants taxpayer-funded abortion. And she’s also totally fine with abortion right up until the end of the third trimester, which she calls a “reasonable” restriction, so your taxpayer dollars could very well be funding late-term abortions.

Well, no wonder Planned Parenthood endorsed Clinton. Remember how her husband, Bill Clinton, advocated for abortion to be “safe, legal, and rare” during his presidency? She apparently has abandoned all pretense of that and is instead going for abortion-on-demand— and on the taxpayer’s dime. This, of course, would benefit Planned Parenthood greatly. They already receive half a billion dollars each year in taxpayer funding, but if Clinton manages to repeal the Hyde Amendment, it would surely mean even more money. After all, this is why Planned Parenthood has been fighting to get the Hyde Amendment repealed for so long. If they receive this much money without taxpayer-funded abortions, imagine how much they’ll get if Hyde is repealed. It’s truly a frightening thought.

Americans should not be forced to fund abortions against their will, but especially not an organization like Planned Parenthood, which has consistently been caught breaking the law. Planned Parenthood has shown a complete and total contempt for human life, as well as a penchant for violating as many laws as they possibly can.

Planned Parenthood is not a trustworthy organization — they lie to and manipulate women, cover up horrific crimes against women, has been caught harvesting the body parts of aborted babies, and — despite what they may claim — their business is abortion, not health care. But now they have a presidential candidate willing to overlook all of that crime and corruption, willing to put women’s lives at risk, because she is so extreme on abortion.

If it wasn’t already clear from Planned Parenthood’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton, it should be crystal clear now: pro-lifers cannot support Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate.

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