Holly O’Donnell, the former procurement technician for StemExpress who helped expose Planned Parenthood’s business of selling the bodies of aborted children, has died at age 27 from unspecified medical issues. O’Donnell, who was 24 when her testimony first made waves for Planned Parenthood, leaves behind a legacy of speaking up for the voiceless and standing up against the giant of the abortion industry. Many of her eyewitness revelations left us speechless.
We, the public, first “met” O’Donnell back in 2015 in the first episode of The Center for Medical Progress’s Human Capital series – the third video released by the center. StemExpress was exposed as a company that purchased the broken bodies of aborted children from Planned Parenthood and sold them to buyers at a large profit — a move that is illegal. O’Donnell states in the video that when she applied and interviewed for the job with StemExpress, she thought it was the position of phlebotomist lab technician — and StemExpress never said otherwise.
Here’s a list of O’Donnell’s more notable revelations in CMP’s videos:
1. On her very first day at work, O’Donnell learned it was ‘normal’ for StemExpress workers to pass out.
She said:
“[my trainer] has tweezers and she’s like, ‘okay, well this is the head, this is the arm, this is a leg’, and she hands them over and she goes, ‘okay, here you go. Can you show me some of the parts I just showed you?’ […] And the moment I took the tweezers, I put them in the dish, I remember grabbing the leg, and I said, ‘this is the leg,’ and the moment I picked it up, I could just feel like death and pain – like I’ve never felt that before, like shoot up, through my body, and I started to – I blacked out, basically.”
They got the smelling–the smelling salt. Woke up in the recovery room and lookin’ around. I was really embarrassed, you know, who faints at their first job. And one of the nurses looks at me and is like ‘oh, new, you’re new huh?’ And I’m like ‘yeah.’ ‘Don’t worry, it still happens to a bunch of us.’ I’m like ‘really?’ And she’s like ‘yes, some of us don’t ever get over it.’ And I remember leaving that day like ‘what have I gotten myself into?’
2. StemExpress paid Planned Parenthood for the organs of aborted children, which is illegal.
O’Donnell said:
“They partner with Planned Parenthood and they get part of the money, because we pay them to use their facilities and they get paid from it. They do get some kind of benefit.”
3. Planned Parenthood did not always get consent from the mothers before selling their aborted children’s body parts.
In the second Human Capital video, O’Donnell revealed that Planned Parenthood ignored the requirement to get signed permission from the mothers for the bodies of their babies to be used for research. O’Donnell said:
“If there was a higher gestation, and the technicians needed it, there were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don’t know. And there’s no way they would.”
4. Planned Parenthood committed forced abortions.
In the first video of the Human Capital series, O’Donnell discussed how some of the girls in the abortion facility “don’t even want to get abortions.” An example of these apparently forced abortions was given by O’Donnell in another video of the series:
“… one of the doctors came in and she looked really frustrated, the medical assistants were with her… And the doctor just says,’ she can’t calm down. I can’t do the abortion, like – and I can’t medicate her.'”
Despite this, a late-term abortion was committed on this patient. Was it without her consent?
5. Planned Parenthood harvested the brain of a child whose heart was still beating.
O’Donnell also exposed how the abortion industry disrespects the children and their bodies – even when there are signs of life. She was once asked to cut a baby’s face in order to procure the brain – while the baby’s heart was still beating.
“And she just taps the heart, and it starts beating. And I’m sitting here and I’m looking at this fetus, and its heart is beating, and I don’t know what to think.”
6. StemExpress and Planned Parenthood worked together using the private medical information of patients to ensure the most profit.
In 2017, The Center for Medical Progress released another video featuring O’Donnell in which she described the “coordination” between StemExpress and Planned Parenthood to ensure that they received the organs that would be most profitable to them when resold:
“We’d open up the Task Page [customer orders], which shows you what the researchers want, how many specimens they want for that day or that week. Roughly saying, it was like a grocery list of what to get for that day.”
Basically, Planned Parenthood gave StemExpress private medical information about patients along with access to the patient schedule so that StemExpress could pick and choose which aborted babies they wanted which organs from. Then Planned Parenthood abortionists would alter the abortion procedures (which is illegal) in order to ensure that those most monetarily valuable organs were not destroyed during the abortion dismemberment process.
O’Donnell’s bravery in coming forward exposed one of the deeply hidden dark sides of the brutal and cruel abortion industry. Thanks to O’Donnell’s willingness to tell the truth, StemExpress cut ties with Planned Parenthood, and Planned Parenthood was forced to stop selling the bodies of aborted children to researchers. Thousands of Americans withdrew their support for Planned Parenthood and both state government and the federal government began the steps to defund the company.
May Holly O’Donnell rest in eternal peace.