It sounds like a scene out of a “Frankenstein” movie: the mad scientist reaches into the freezer to pull out a body part which he will attach onto a specimen of his creation. But surgically removing body parts from one person and transferring them onto another is not just something out of a horror flick; it is tragically where so-called “gender-affirming care” is headed, in the form of what has been dubbed “genital swap” surgery.
The scheme of transplanting genitals removed from one person undergoing so-called transgender surgery and attaching them to another trans person is now a possibility, according to ‘genital swap’ pioneer Dr. Miroslav Djordjevic, who works at New York City’s Mount Sinai Hospital (MSH).

Miroslav Djordjevic pioneer in genital swap transgender surgery
Despite every attempt to claim men and women can change their gender, the science is clear that the DNA of a male or female remains the same even after hormones and surgery. Sex is an immutable characteristic.
Who Is Miroslav Djordjevic?
According to Mount Sinai’s website, Djordjevic is a “leading authority on surgery for transgender individuals” and he has developed what the UK Daily Mail described as a “revolutionary genital swap procedure” to transfer the genitalia between live donors.
According to MSH, Djordjevic has had “nearly three decades of expertise and innovation in [sex reassignment surgery] SRS and urogenital reconstructive surgery,” and allegedly took part in “600 male-to-female vaginoplasties, 900 female-to-male metoidioplasties, 300 female-to-male phalloplasties, and the co-development of a penile disassembly technique for epispadias repair,” the MSH article claimed.
Djordjevic performed his “first uterus transplant in 2017 and the second-ever testicular transplant in December 2019 at the Belgrade Center for Genital Reconstructive Surgery,” it added.
Djordjevic, who is also a Professor of Urology and Surgery at the School of Medicine at the University of Belgrade in Serbia, joined Mount Sinai Health System in June 2019 as a Professor of Urology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and is a urogenital reconstructive surgeon at the Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery, the article published by MSH stated.
Icahn School of Medicine also operates the “Fellowship in Complex Family Planning” which is funded in part by the Buffett Foundation and Gates Foundation, and partners with the Population Council, Planned Parenthood, Physicians for Reproductive Health, and the Guttmacher Institute, among others.
The Fellowship offers training in “abortion care and management of pregnancy loss, including medical management and D&E beyond 24 weeks with maternal or fetal indications” and aims to “[d]evelop national and community leaders in abortion, contraception, and sexual reproductive health.”
In addition, Mount Sinai Hospital states online that Margaret Sanger’s sister Ethel Byrne “graduated from The Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses in 1909,” adding that the “Mount Sinai connection continued” when eugenicist “Alan F. Guttmacher, MD left his post as Chairman of OB-GYN at The Mount Sinai Medical Center to become the President of Planned Parenthood.”

Planned Parenthood and Mount Sinai Hospital (Screen from website accessed 1/17/2024)
So far there is no indication that Planned Parenthood is conducting transgender surgeries, but the taxpayer-funded abortion business is more than willing to refer clients for surgeries and write letters to their insurance companies.
Experimental ‘Genital Swap’ Study
Traditional transgender surgeries involved the removal of healthy body parts and/or surgical reconstruction from parts of the same person’s body to give a transgender-identifying individual the illusion they are a different sex. Experimental ‘genital swap’ surgery intends to use live donors of the opposite sex to transplant genitalia from one person to another.
“Surgeries are not required for gender affirmation, but many patients choose to undergo one or more surgical procedures,” Johns Hopkins (JH) stated online. The medical facility operates the “Center for Transgender and Gender Expansive Health” formerly called the Johns Hopkins Center for Transgender Health, and is known historically as establishing the first gender-affirming surgery (GAS) clinic in the United States in 1966.
“No surgery can reassign your gender — who you know yourself to be. Instead, gender-affirming surgery changes your physical body so that it better aligns with how you understand (and wish to express) your gender,” explains.
More Frankenstein disasters await. I genuinely pity the distressed, unhappy people who will be sucked in by this.
Sex-change doc unveils risky new trans 'genital swap' surgery— Nicola Carr 🟥 (@HomeWithMrsHgth) November 14, 2023
A 2021 Mount Sinai article detailed Djordjevic’s ‘genital swap’ process as “matching two patients undergoing transgender surgery—one male-to-female, the other female-to-male—and transferring the genitalia between these live donors in a one-stage procedure instead of discarding them as is done now,” he stated.
“We are striving to find a way to use all genital organs that are planned for removal in transition surgery to improve the lives of others who request this surgery and enable them to lead a normal life,” Dr. Djordjevic stated in 2021.
Djordjevic’s ‘genital swap’ experiments began with a pilot study, according to a July article posted to MSH’s website, which also claimed that the procedure was introduced in 2006 and “has been performed successfully five times” it stated.
“Despite those procedures, there are no data about the possibility for penile transplantation in female-to-male gender-affirming surgery,” Dr. Djordjevic claimed at that time.
The “pilot research project,” entitled “Possibilities for penile transplantation from live donors: Cadaveric study of surgical anatomy and dissection,” was intended to “recruit a total sample size of approximately 100 cadavers—50 male, 50 female” with assistance from Djordjevic’s colleagues at the Forensic Institute at Belgrade University. It has been funded through IDEAS (a Republic of Serbia program).
“Dr. Djordjevic will perform dissection of the penile entities from 35 male cadavers, followed by 35 dissections of the genitalia from female cadavers, and then simultaneous dissection of genitalia from 30 male (15) and female (15) cadavers with transplantation of the penile entities to the female cadavers,” the July 2023 MSH article stated.
According to MSH, the goal of the study was to ultimately “open the door to conduct simultaneous male-to-female and female-to-male transplantations between genetically matched live donors in a one-stage procedure and eliminate the current practice of discarding genitalia following [sex reassignment surgery] SRS,” the article claimed.
“The goal is to start the transplantations among the cadavers in July 2023, refine our technique, and demonstrate that it is possible to perform penile transplantation in the context of a live donor. If we are successful, the impact could be significant as it would offer patients with congenital or acquired penile absence and transgender males a chance to have functional, aesthetically pleasing genitalia,” Djordjevic said.
“Success would enable us to make a profound difference in the lives of thousands of patients around the world who are seeking SRS because we could make it possible for male-to-female transgender patients to conceive a baby and for female-to-male patients to have a penis that is fully functional and aesthetically pleasing,” Dr. Djordjevic said of the “genital swap” surgery scheme. “That is the impact I seek to achieve through my work.”
‘Genital Swap’ Surgery is ‘Final Step” to Thwart Genitalia Thrown in Garbage
In an interview on the Doctor Podcasts YouTube channel, Djordjevic called experimental ‘genital swap’ surgery his “vision” and “dream.”
Then, in a strong Serbian accent, Djordjevic credited existing transgender surgery techniques to “embryology.”
“Thanks to our knowledge in embryology, because… in the first couple of weeks of our embryology, the same genitalias you know. And then, in one moment, someone is going to be male and another one to be female. So, [the] base is the same. And we’re going to use this and create to correct this genitalia according to the patient,” he added.
But of so-called ‘genital swap’ surgery, Djordjevic told the podcast that he was concerned about wasted genitalia being “put in the garbage” during traditional transgender surgeries.
“This is my main research now. It was my vision and my dream ten to fifteen years ago. Because I calculated too many male and female organs that they are going to remove and to put in the garbage,” he stated. “I concluded that it would be useful to these very healthy organs because today transgender population averages between approximately 22, 23 years. So we have a completely healthy genital organs.”
Asked by the Doctor’s Podcast host about the possibility of organ rejection among “hosts” undergoing ‘genital swap’ surgery, Djordjevic was vague, calling it a “bio-ethical issue” but saying very little in response about the risks.
Instead, Djordjevic announced on the podcast that “Now we are in a final step.”
Djordjevic claimed he has assembled a team of “transplant surgeons” for his “revolutionary project,” saying, “The final approach will be to transplant the penis. This is my main goal, goal of my career. And I hope that this future started yesterday.”