In another intense exchange on The View, the hosts argued over induced abortion with two of the pro-abortion hosts making the bold claim that their opinions on abortion are no different than those who consider themselves pro-life.
Whoopi Goldberg — who has admitted to having six to seven abortions between the ages of 14 and 25, and continues to advocate for it — went so far as to claim, “We’re all pro-life. None of us want to kill anyone.”
The exchange
The conversation began with talk of Donald Trump and his recent comment that he will protect women “whether [they] like it or not.” Behar joked, “Can you protect women and also assault them at the same time?” in reference to sexual assault allegations against Trump.
Whoopi Goldberg chimed in, “You can emotionally assault them without physically touching them.” That’s when host Alyssa Farah Griffin, who considers herself to be ‘pro-life leaning,’ spoke up.
“I know I have different convictions on [abortion] than you guys, but I believe in, or, we’re more similar,” she said, gesturing towards Sunny Hostin.
Joy Behar cut her off. “What, what’s the difference?”
Griffin continued, “I believe in some access and some limitations, but [Trump] is just —”
Behar cut her off again. “Wait a minute,” she said. “How is that different from us?”
Griffin responded, “I’m just saying I personally lean more pro-life. I, maybe in the first several weeks, want some access.”
Hostin added, “And so do I.”
Goldberg then claimed, “We’re all pro-life. None of us want to kill anyone.”
Dehumanizing human beings
Goldberg’s claim says it all. She sees herself and other abortion supporters as pro-life and argues that “None of us want to kill anyone.” The implication is that abortion, in her opinion, is not killing because preborn children are not human beings.
To be fair, Griffin and Hostin appear to believe the same about the youngest preborn human beings — that it is acceptable to kill them because they aren’t actual human beings. In that matter, Goldberg’s and Behar’s claim that they have the same thoughts on abortion as Griffin and Hostin is accurate — except, they do want to ensure that some human beings can be killed.
All of them are okay with the homicides of at least some innocent human beings.
It’s easy to support killing humans whom you don’t believe to be actual human beings. Dehumanizing other humans is how the Nazis were able to kill millions of innocent people. It’s how people justified beating and killing the persons they kept as slaves. When an entire group of human beings is dehumanized through propaganda, it’s easy to rally others to join your murderous cause. That’s what has happened with abortion in America and throughout the world.
When abortion was legalized throughout the U.S. in 1973, the science didn’t yet exist to see the full reality of human development and existence in the womb. When scientific advancements finally made it possible to see inside the womb, to learn how quickly a human being grows in the womb, and to discover that the heart is beating and pumping blood just 21 days after fertilization, it became harder to support the false idea that life doesn’t begin until birth.
But abortion supporters, instead of acknowledging the humanity and dignity of human beings in the womb, chose to deny the science. They continue to claim that preborn human beings are mere ‘clumps of cells’ and ‘pregnancy tissue’ rather than the whole, unique individuals that science now proves they are. And when they do eventually agree that at some point human beings in the womb are indeed human beings, they justify killing them by abortion under the false idea that one person’s desires (the mother’s) trumps another person’s life (the baby’s).
Live Action’s groundbreaking Baby Olivia shows the amazing development of a human being during the first moments of her life until birth:
Every human being is inherently equal and it is never medically necessary to deliberately kill a human being — which is what induced abortion does. Abortion is not health care.
Pro-life activist Eva Edl, who was found guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act in 2022 for a peaceful pro-life protest, is a survivor of a communist prisoner-of-war concentration camp during World War II. She was called Danube-Swabian, someone who was Yugoslavian by birth but German by heritage. The communist government dehumanized her and her people in the law, and then they began a genocidal campaign against them. After Eva escaped to the United States, she began fighting for the rights of all human beings.
“The first time I realized there were abortion clinics in our country was in 1988,” she said, according to a previous Live Action News report. “I said to my husband, ‘these are the death camps of America.’ I saw people sitting in front of abortion clinics in Atlanta, and I’ve been involved ever since.”
The women of “The View” see preborn human beings as non-humans and discriminate against them based on their size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependency. So when they argue that they are pro-life and don’t want to kill anyone, it’s because they have stripped preborn humans of their status as human beings. They, like so many have done in the atrocities throughout history, have denied the inherent humanity, dignity, and equality of an entire group of human beings. And more than 60 million innocent people have died because of it.