
How pro-‘choice’ activists work against ‘choice’ in practice

A new report (.pdf) released by Right to Know Campaign indicates that abortion providers in the UK have financial motivation to influence women considering abortion to reject a choice for life. Further, the report shows that British abortion providers engage in “marketing messages based on social validation techniques” to encourage abortion and that these techniques sometimes occur even in a “counseling” venue.

It is certainly no surprise to me, nor should it be to any reasonably informed person, to learn that abortion providers in Britain are found operating under the same hypocritical practices for financial gain that have been documented by Live Action in America. What is surprising is that so many activists — people who are generally intelligent, in my experience — are willing to dedicate so much of their time, talent and treasure to feed an anti-‘choice’ industry in the name of ‘choice’.

We will always disagree with pro-‘choice’ activists in their persistent and unreasonable contention that the entity within a pregnant womb is not a living being worthy of protection, but we should be able to agree that anyone who purports to stand for ‘choice’ should not support an industry that actively discourages ‘choice’ in practice. Considering that this discouragement of the choice for life occurs due to financial motivation, activists should be all the more appalled.

Since it has been clearly documented that abortion providers both in America and the UK are not pro-‘choice’ but are decidedly pro-abortion, activists who support these industries should be honest with themselves and with the public that they are not pro-‘choice’ activists at all. They are pro-abortion. Until such time as abortion providers are willing to stop encouraging women to choose abortion for the abortion providers’ financial gain, the only viable choice in the minds of thinking, intelligent people is that they drop the charade and call themselves what they are — pro-abortion.

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