On Wednesday, Republican presidential candidate and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee delivered what may be his harshest attack on abortion yet.
Speaking at a campaign event in Iowa, Huckabee transitioned to abortion from remarks on the atrocities of Islamic terrorist group ISIS, stating: “Let us not be too smug in this country. Because we have sins to answer for.”
“If I’m president I will invoke the Fifth and 14th Amendment of the Constitution and protect unborn life,” Huckabee declared, saying that in addition to defunding Planned Parenthood, its business must be made illegal:
What we need to be doing is doing with abortion, and the destruction of innocent human life, what Lincoln and the early Republican Party did with slavery 130 years ago, and that is bringing abolition to it.
Huckabee has made preborn babies’ status as protected human beings under the Constitution a recurring theme of his campaign. He has also refused to back down from opposing the abortions of babies conceived in rape.