It’s easy to be discouraged by the negative news swirling around the internet every day. It’s easy to think that our world is full of death and horrible things. In some ways, it is. But there’s also another side. There are reasons to be encouraged.
There are countless unsung heroes who choose life, in spite of death:
- Quentin and Jodi Peterson, who chose life for their son when a doctor strongly advised that they leave him to starve to death in the hospital.
- The Long family, who rejected a doctor’s advice to institutionalize their son who had cerebral palsy.
- Nicole and Steven Steng, who gave life to their son with spina bifida, despite a doctor telling Nicole that he would “absolutely perform” a late-term abortion.
- Emily Kiecher’s mom, who refused abortion after Emily was diagnosed with spina bifida. Emily was featured on the February, 2013, cover of Parents Magazine.
- The mothers of Steve Jobs and Colin Kaepernick who chose adoption instead of abortion.
- Pam Tebow, who chose a risk to her own life over aborting her son, Tim Tebow.
And despite the negativity so prevalent in common media coverage, there are often bright spots to be found:
- ESPN’s show “E:60” featured a dad who regretted wanting to abort his daughter with Down syndrome. His wife stood strong, and Paisley was born. Spending time with her is now one of the most precious things in this father’s life.
- A kids’ clothing catalog, Target, Nordstrom, and People Magazine have all recently featured children with Down syndrome.
- A 2010 Dove Super Bowl ad correctly showed when human life begins.
- A Texas waiter refused service to a man who was extremely rude about another customer with Down syndrome.
- Nissan and Pampers have both aired commercials celebrating unborn life.
Now we can add Huggies to the ever-expanding list. This well-known diaper company has aired an ad where a woman excitedly informs her husband (or partner) that he is going to be a dad. After giving her a huge hug, he exclaims, “There’s a human being growing inside your stomach!”
Not only does this ad correctly refer to an unborn child – from a very early stage (the woman just found out she’s pregnant) – as a “human being,” but it also communicates another important message. This baby is growing. And growing children deserve protection from those who are responsible for them – namely their parents.
Watch the ad for yourself, and celebrate with this couple that a new, unique human being is growing inside this new mother’s stomach!