In 2009, Christian author Randy Alcorn updated his book “Pro-life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments” Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments is a powerful pro-life tool which provides answers to the most common pro-choice slogans and arguments. The book is full of facts. I wanted to share the following story, on page 97.
“A pro-life speaker was detained by police for carrying with him the preserved body of an aborted baby. He was told it was illegal to transport human remains across state lines without special permission. When he realized that this meant the state would have to argue in court that the bodies of aborted babies are in fact human remains, he welcomed prosecution! The state dropped the charges. Though they knew these were human remains, how could a state the defends and funds abortions publicly admit – much less attempt to prove – that abortion kills human beings?”
Leaving aside the question of whether the use of preserved bodies of abortion victims to promote the pro-life message is appropriate, it is very interesting that police would detain this activist and charge him not with transporting “medical waste,” or “human tissue,” but with transporting “human remains.”
Can you imagine what would’ve happened had the charges gone to trial? Obviously, the (presumed) pro-choicers behind the accusation realized how counterproductive such a trial would be. It would have revealed that pro-choicers really do know that unborn babies are people, not simply “products of conception.”
The government has a very contradictory set of laws about abortion. On the one hand, abortion is legal, and thousands are done every day. Yet when a woman is assaulted and her unborn baby killed, the assailant can be charged with “fetal homicide.” In one recent case, a 21-year-old Kentucky man was charged with attempted homicide after kicking and beating his pregnant girlfriend. In Minnesota, a man who killed his pregnant wife and is being charged with the death of both her and her unborn child claims that the murder of the unborn child was a case of abortion, not murder. There have been many other cases.
Despite the fact that pro-choicers have been claiming that an unborn baby is not a human being for over 40 years now, many people intuitively know that humans become pregnant with humans, not cats or horses or something else, and that aborted babies are not just “tissue.” Situations like the one documented by Randy Alcorn show that the pro-life message is getting across even to the people who most support abortion.