Hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans are marching in Washington, D.C., today to stand against 46 decades of legal abortion in the United States. There have been nearly 61 million abortions since Roe v. Wade legalized the killing of preborn children for any reason at any stage in pregnancy back in 1973.
This year’s theme, “Unique from Day One,” highlights the scientific fact that life begins at conception and that medical and technological advancements support the pro-life cause. From day one, at the moment of fertilization, a new human being is created.
In an op-ed for Fox News, Lila Rose, President of Live Action, compared the March for Life to the Women’s March which will take place on the day following the March for Life.
“This week, Washington will be the site of two opposing marches, one day apart,” she wrote. “Both will feature hundreds of thousands of marching women. Both will say they are standing up for women’s rights. But only one truly values the entire being of a woman, while the other asks her to reject a significant part of herself to ultimately become ’empowered’.”
Rose went on to say that the March for Life “values the entirety of a woman, including her entire biology and her ability to be a mother, and doesn’t put her at odds with the children she holds in her womb.”
Abortion is not necessary for women to be equal, and science proves that abortion ends the lives of human beings in the early stages of development. Legalized abortion in the United States was driven in part by pro-abortion men and sold to the women’s movement as the way to secure their equality. In reality, women are equal for being exactly who and what they are — without abortion.
READ: Pro-abortion feminism has failed to address the injustices women face
“My hope is that all women will see the truth of history,” wrote Rose. “My hope is that we will see that real feminism promotes and accepts all aspects of who a woman is, sees men as equal partners, and sees children as gifts.”
Organizers expect at least 100,000 people to attend the March, and lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are speaking, including Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT), Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL), Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), and Louisiana State Rep. Katrina Jackson (D).
“We are delighted to have these four pro-life champions speak at the March for Life Rally,” Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, said in a statement to the press. “The right to life is a non-partisan issue and, regardless of politics, we should all unite for life and stand against abortion, the greatest human rights abuse of our time.”
“Thank you for standing for life. It takes courage in this day and age to stand for your beliefs…be prepared to defend life but do it with gentleness…and with love.” – VP Pence on the phone at #MarchForLife
— Hafsa Quraishi (@hafiisaa) January 18, 2019
Vice President Mike Pence called into the rally on Friday morning, saying, “Thank you for standing for life. It takes courage in this day and age to stand for your beliefs… be prepared to defend life, but do it with gentleness… and with love.” Pence will speak at the March for Life Dinner on Friday evening.
Also scheduled to speak are former Planned Parenthood manager Abby Johnson, Ben Shapiro, and Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.