
I worked at Planned Parenthood, and Planned Parenthood isn’t about health care

A former Planned Parenthood manager speaks out about the lack of health care at the abortion chain…

When Planned Parenthood decided to reduce the amount of time spent with new patients from 30-45 minutes to a mere 15 minutes, this was cause for concern. It is especially troubling when you consider that it takes more than 15 minutes to educate young girls on how to properly use various birth control methods. It’s also troubling when you consider that it takes time to perform all the intake necessary for abuse reporting. However, when it comes to reporting sexual abuse, Planned Parenthood has a very poor track record, regardless.

Planned Parenthood was so concerned about patient flow and packing the schedule that it began requiring clinic managers to begin drawing blood and administering Depo Provera shots so that women could be moved along more quickly. Keep in mind that no clinic manager is a licensed medical assistant, nor a phlebotomist. We were only to receive on the job training. This was quite troubling to me.

I had worked in the medical field prior to Planned Parenthood, and I know that drawing blood and giving injections require a great deal of training and know-how. I certainly didn’t want the liability.

As for healthcare, the services offered at Planned Parenthood are limited at best. It is not the same as visiting a gynecologist’s office. If women have any serious gynecological concerns, there isn’t much help available. If a woman is pregnant and doesn’t want an abortion, Planned Parenthood can’t help. If women have suspected fibroids, ovarian cysts, or PCOS, for example, there’s no help available.

There were countless times in which our advanced practice nurse suspected these types of gynecological problems but was unable to diagnose anything because our center was a non-abortion facility, so we had no ultrasound machine available. Those are only available at for women who are having abortions at abortion centers, as I discussed in this interview with Live Action president Lila Rose:

If there’s one thing I wish I could get people to understand, it’s that Planned Parenthood does not offer any real comprehensive health care.

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