With the 2015 expose that exposed Planned Parenthood for allegedly profiting from the trafficking of aborted baby body parts, many Americans would like to see this organization federally defunded.
But Planned Parenthood has fought back, saying that if they are defunded, many women would go without necessary care since abortion is just 3 percent of what they do — a claim which was debunked in this video:
Another little tidbit Planned Parenthood conveniently leaves out is that they commit about one-third of America’s abortions every year. Clearly they have a monopoly in the abortion industry, but they aren’t always ready to brag about this violent anecdote. In fact, Planned Parenthood is consistently ready to claim they provide prenatal care to women who want to continue their pregnancies.
A brand new Live Action video reveals the blatant lie behind that claim:
Planned Parenthood’s propensity to abort, abort, abort is especially concerning since abortions in the U.S. declined from 2000-2011, while Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers actually increased during those same years. Currently, America’s abortions are continuing to decline, with Planned Parenthood’s numbers slowly following suit because fewer women are seeking abortions.
Planned Parenthood acts as if it is the only group concerned with women, and it has often tried to convince women in America to believe they need the organization that brings in money while trafficking the organs of their aborted babies — often with the mothers having no idea this is happening.
But what about all the other places that exist which truly seek to help women who find themselves in difficult and unplanned circumstances?
There are many pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) which more fully present a woman’s options to her instead of almost solely pushing or encouraging abortion, as Planned Parenthood does. According to the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, PRCs “offer hope to women… by providing practical help and emotional support… then prepare them to parent or to place for adoption.”
Women who visit PRCs are also presented with information on abortion, but are not pressured to have abortions, and are given real information about the procedure — including abortion’s physical risks, long-term side effects, and what the procedure does to the woman and child involved.
Throughout North America, there are about 2,300 PRCs, which all exist to help and practically support women through their difficult circumstances.
- Heartbeat International seeks to “… reach and rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to renew communities for life…,” in part through OptionLine, a 24-hour hotline which connects women with pregnancy centers in their local areas.
- CareNet, another pregnancy care center organization, “offers compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network….” (In the video above, Planned Parenthood even recommended that the woman needing care through her pregnancy contact CareNet instead.)
- LIFE International is another group which “has directly equipped over 8,173 leaders to multiply the message of life. Hundreds more have received and are sharing LIFE International educational materials and training resources within their regions. LIFE International now has influence in 87 countries on six continents.
- The Morning Center, yet another organization, “dispels the myth that pro-lifers are unwilling to financially and practically aid pregnant women… operat[ing] under a whole-person model, desiring to meet the physical and spiritual needs of women….”
In addition to the above PRCs, there are many other groups offering support for women, such as Bella Natural Women’s Care, Stand Up Girl, Abortion Pill Reversal (1-877-558-0333), and a host of other pro-woman organizations — not only throughout America, but internationally as well. These groups help women through their circumstances instead of attempting to artificially end their circumstances through the killing of an innocent human being. Of course, taking a life is really no help to women at all, considering the long-term effects experienced by many women who have had abortions. There’s also the degrading message sent to women when they are told they need to end the life of their own child to succeed.
America does not need to worry about what where women will go when Planned Parenthood’s federal funding is eliminated because women can find real care in countless other places, including comprehensive health care clinics which outnumber Planned Parenthood 20 to 1 and are welcoming to pregnant women.
Women who find themselves with unplanned pregnancies and face real fears of what this may mean for their lives need counsel, support, love, and encouragement, not a death sentence for their babies. The death of a real, living human being is not the solution. Who knows the damage we have already done to our country in ending the unique lives of over 58 million of our children since Roe v. Wade? (Do we realize many of the world’s genocidal dictators haven’t even been blamed for this many “unnatural deaths” of their own people?)
Let’s remember there are real options — other than Planned Parenthood — for our women, children, and families.