A Planned Parenthood facility in Flossmoor, Illinois, on the outskirts of Chicago, called 911 last month requesting an ambulance take an injured patient to the emergency room… and then seemingly tried to cover it up.
Operation Rescue reported that the incident took place on October 15, 2024. At first, the 911 call seems to proceed as usual, with the staffer giving vague information and requesting an ambulance.
“We need an ambulance for transfer, we have a patient who is bleeding pretty heavily,” the staffer began. “Doctor has attempted several… um… bleeding precautions.” She said the patient was a 31-year-old woman who was conscious and coming off of sedation, breathing normally, and with stable vital signs. They did not say if she was experiencing any pain.
Oddly, the staffer then attempted to cancel the ambulance request, only to be rebuffed by the 911 dispatcher.
“I’m sorry, it seems that she is stabilizing the patient, so I think she is going to want to just have monitor for now,” the staffer said.
The dispatcher responded, “We’ve already sent out the paramedics, so they’re still going to head over there. But if, you know, the doctor speaks with them and they decide she doesn’t need to be transported, they can make that decision amongst themselves.”
It is not known what happened next. The computer-aided dispatch report, however, indicated that staff may have prevented the paramedics from evaluating the patient; under comments, it says “no checks” and “refusal signed.”
That raises more questions: was the woman actually stabilized on-site, or did Planned Parenthood staffers merely send her to the hospital in a private vehicle to avoid leaving a record of the severity of the injury? And because there is virtually no accountability in place for the abortion industry in Illinois, we are not likely to ever know.
Numerous women have been injured at this facility, including two women in less than two weeks last year. One of the facility escorts was also charged with battery after an unprovoked attack on a pro-life sidewalk counselor last year.
Call on President Trump to pardon the FACE Act prisoners on his first day in office.