October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In a sense, I’m glad that it’s over.
We should all be able to rally around supporting a cause like breast cancer research, right? It shouldn’t be one of those politicized issues, should it? Unfortunately, when Susan G. Komen still donates to Planned Parenthood, this isn’t the case.
Readers may remember the 2012 book, Planned Bullyhood. Author Karen Handel worked as the vice president for Komen and also felt that breast cancer shouldn’t be a politicized issue. But Handel soon found out her organization was giving grants to Planned Parenthood. Handel’s book title refers to the backlash that resulted when Komen attempted to cut off grants to the nation’s largest abortion provider, which is already taxpayer funded.
Sadly, Komen eventually caved, and Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure is still giving to Planned Parenthood today.
While I try to be charitable, October is particularly difficult for me because I know there’s always a chance that if a store is collecting donations for breast cancer research, they’ll be doing so for Komen, and thus for Planned Parenthood. It doesn’t matter to me whether it’s $1.00 or $100.00; I cannot stomach my money going towards the nation’s largest abortion provider in any context. They’re already being funded by me against my will with my taxpayer dollars anyway. They don’t deserve another cent.
The building in which I currently live collected change for Komen. If I could have been absolutely sure my money wasn’t going to an organization that donated to Planned Parenthood, I would have found it a worthy cause. Even more touching is how they had a bake sale – but those proceeds were also going to Komen. I had to walk the other way and forgo the treats the kids were selling (which I can only imagine were delicious).
What’s even more off-putting about Komen donating to Planned Parenthood is that Planned Parenthood doesn’t even perform mammograms. After repeating the lie – and even having those in the Obama Administration do so – CEO and president Cecile Richards admitted last month that her organization does not perform that service. The pro-life movement knew this all well before her testimony before members of Congress though on September 30.
There is also research to suggest that having an abortion increases the risk of breast cancer. Sad, isn’t it then, that an organization is funding another organization which may very well be increasing what they are seeking to eradicate?
The focus of Susan G. Komen’s work, breast cancer research, is certainly a noble cause. It’s a shame that they have to tarnish that focus by giving money to a politicized, scandalized and controversial group that needs not one dollar of it.