Father Benjamin Scot Miller is sharing the amazing story of his son, Ward, who was born extremely premature at 25 weeks. Miller’s powerful photos and video document Ward’s journey in the neonatal intensive care unit, and his progression out of the hospital through his first years.
Now a healthy, thriving boy, Ward’s life shows how babies born extremely premature can survive with medical treatment. For a baby who spent his first 107 days in the hospital, the gift of life is even more precious.
Just to give you an idea of how small my little guy is… A photo posted by Benjamin (@3enjamin5cot) on
1st time I was able to hold my son. Proud daddy. A photo posted by Benjamin (@3enjamin5cot) on
#fromwhereistand A photo posted by Benjamin (@3enjamin5cot) on
A photo posted by Benjamin (@3enjamin5cot) on
A photo posted by Benjamin (@3enjamin5cot) on
Ward loves his balloons. #wardmiles A photo posted by Benjamin (@3enjamin5cot) on
A photo posted by Benjamin (@3enjamin5cot) on
Here, #wardmiles and I are checking out the view out the plane window. This was the first time he had flown when he was able to comprehend it. He loved it and really enjoyed looking down on the world. He pointed out all the ‘big clouds’ and informed me every time we were turning. Not sure why I look so orange. I swear I don’t spray tan! A photo posted by Benjamin (@3enjamin5cot) on
Exploring some mini tide pools at Torrey Pines State Beach #wardmiles A photo posted by Benjamin (@3enjamin5cot) on