According to Fox 59, Indiana has reached an agreement with Planned Parenthood to extend a deadline, giving a judge 30 more days to issue a decision regarding whether or not a pro-life law violates the state’s constitution.
Indiana Senate Bill 1, which took effect in August 2023, protects nearly all preborn children from abortion, with a few exceptions. Children with a diagnosis considered “fatal,” babies of women experiencing pregnancy complications up to 20 weeks, and babies up to 10 weeks who were conceived during acts of rape or incest are all still at risk of being intentionally and directly killed by induced abortion.
In May, Planned Parenthood joined other abortionists (including Amy Caldwell, who has been linked to two abortion pill deaths and one born-alive abortion survivor) in a lawsuit, asking a Monroe County judge to block the law’s hospital-only requirement for abortions, and expand the health exceptions. They argued that since only a few hospitals in the state actually commit abortions, stand-alone clinics like their own should be allowed to commit abortions.
“It’s sad to me to see the basis that they’re using for this. They’re essentially saying that it needs to be widened because doctors are afraid and doctors are uneducated. The solution there isn’t to widen abortion regulations. The solution is to educate our doctors and to find better solutions for the problems that women are facing,” said Right to Life of Northeast Indiana Education Coordinator Abigail Lorenzen. “If a mom is in a life-threatening situation, the best place for her is a hospital. The best place is not in an abortion clinic where they primarily do abortions, because if she’s in a life-threatening situation, that’s not the only thing at play.”
Planned Parenthood also argued that the health and life exception must be expanded beyond 20 weeks to allow for abortions when a condition may threaten a woman’s health later in pregnancy, as well as conditions that may cause health risks after birth, or that could worsen existing health problems.
The abortionists also want the law to allow abortion for psychological reasons.
It’s important to understand that babies born as young as 21 weeks are capable of surviving outside the womb with assistance. Intentionally and directly killing a preborn child by induced abortion is not medically necessary to save a woman’s life, because if a pregnancy must be ended for health reasons, an OB/GYN can deliver the baby through induced delivery or emergency C-section.
Special Judge Kelsey Blake Hanlon is presiding over the case and heard arguments over three days in May.