The wave of pro-life laws that have been sweeping the nation over the past few years has gotten pro-aborts into a frenzy fairly often. No law has caused more histrionics than the ultrasound laws various states have either passed, or attempted to pass. The furor reached a fever pitch with Virginia’s ultrasound law – so much so that the state ended up specifying that they were requiring trans-abdominal ultrasounds only, because pro-aborts kept likening trans-vaginal ultrasounds to rape.
Now it’s Indiana attracting the ire of the pro-aborts, as the state might soon require not just one, but two vaginal ultrasounds. See, for example, Slate‘s XX Factor blog, which calls the idea “ritualized humiliation” from a “prudish state.”
One of the major complaints that comes up over and over again about vaginal ultrasound legislation is that it’s unnecessary for medical abortions. And this brings us to the undeniable fact that all the fury around these ultrasound laws proves only one thing: these pro-aborts are either liars or clueless.
What many pro-aborts conveniently decline to mention is that these ultrasounds are needed, both before and after an abortion, regardless of what kind of abortion you end up getting. A woman needs one beforehand in order to determine her gestational age. It’s the medical standard. Without knowing how far into the pregnancy a woman is, there’s no telling what kind of abortion she’ll need to receive. And just randomly performing an abortion without finding out vital information such as gestational age first can be dangerous. But, you know, the pro-aborts are looking out for the women here!
Now, why would a woman need a post-abortion ultrasound? Well, that’s simple: to ensure that they got everything. It can be deadly if the abortionist left parts of the baby inside, and the best way to make sure that nothing was missed is by ultrasound. And a trans-vaginal ultrasound is the most accurate method. These ultrasounds are standard medical procedures. But apparently we’re to believe that women would prefer to skip the ultrasound and risk a life-threatening infection instead. Because, you know, that makes perfect sense!
As to whether or not the pro-aborts know this, and feign outrage just to prevent the bills from passing, or are just clueless probably depends on the pro-abort in question. Jill Stanek highlighted this willful ignorance, as she calls it, schooling RH Reality Check blogger Robin Marty, who was just astonished to find out that mandated pre- and post-abortion ultrasounds are actually regular Planned Parenthood policy. Apparently, Marty’s just clueless. Others, like NOW President Terry O’Neill, undoubtedly know better – and therefore are liars doing what they can to create a false outrage.
But does it really make a difference? Whether they’re liars or just stupid, it’s women who will pay the price either way.