Human Interest

Told she may never get pregnant, she welcomed three sons on the same day years apart

heartbeat, heart, pregnant, babies, chose life, infertility, pro-life

One UK mom who was told she could never get pregnant has welcomed three ‘rainbow baby’ boys within 10 years, all three of whom were born on the same day, years apart.

Emma Smith, 42, says she was told she could never get pregnant. “I suffered the heartache of watching friends and family members having children, adamant that it would never be my turn,” she explained.

Emma is originally from Warrington, Cheshire, England, and was diagnosed with endometritis, an inflammation of the uterine lining, at 18. She underwent 10 operations to try and rid her body of the painful condition.

However, despite the many efforts by the doctors, the endometritis returned and became more aggressive after each procedure. Because of this condition and the risks attached, doctors told her she would need to have children early in her life to give her the best chance at getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy and child. But pregnancy did not come easily.

READ: Told that she and her baby would both likely die, she still refused abortion

She began to think of herself as the “‘Bridget Jones’’ of the group, watching [her friends] having their children and families and everything and genuinely never thought it would happen for me.”

Little did she know that she would finally have children and that it would happen for her and her partner, Dave Mycock, in a beautiful and — some might say — miraculous way.

The two welcomed their first son, Alfie James, now 7, on June 20, 2016, whom she calls their “miracle.”

Later, they welcomed two more sons, Jesse Joe and Arley Jay, who were each born on the same day as their big brother, years apart. The odds of this are a crazy 133,000 to one.

Emma told Talker: “If you were to put a bet on a horse with those odds, you’d never think it would come in as a winner, but we certainly have – three times.

Emma continued, saying that she considered herself a “spiritual person” and explaining that there was a numerical significance to June 20 that related to her and Dave’s birthdays.

She explained to Talker, “My birthday is May 11 and Dave’s is May 9. I said, ”How ironic is this, our birthdays added together equal 20 and that’s really lovely because that’s ‘Alfie’s birthday.’ So we’ll never forget – me plus you equals him.”

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