
Iowa Supreme Court rules state can deny sex ed funding to Planned Parenthood

planned parenthood sex ed, sex ed funding, Michigan

The Iowa Supreme Court ruled on June 30 that the state is allowed to prohibit Planned Parenthood of the Heartland (PPH) from receiving funding for its sex education programs.

In 2019, the Iowa Legislature passed a law that banned pro-abortion groups that either promote or commit abortions from receiving funding through Iowa’s Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention program (CAPP) and the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP). PPH sued, and the following year, a Polk County district court judge blocked the law, claiming it was unconstitutional. Planned Parenthood continued to receive the funding for two years while the case made its way through courts, according to Iowa Public Radio.

However, the state Supreme Court upheld the law in a 6-1 decision, reversing the lower court’s ruling.

READ: Planned Parenthood sex ed propaganda included in Illinois education bill

“Because an abortion provider lacks a freestanding constitutional right to provide abortions, any conditions premised on providing abortions cannot be considered unconstitutional,” the court’s opinion, written by Justice Dana Oxley, states.

It continued, “Even if the programs do not include any discussions about abortion, the goals of promoting abstinence and reducing teenage pregnancy could arguably still be undermined when taught by the entity that performs nearly all abortions in Iowa. The State could also be concerned that using abortion providers to deliver sex education programs to teenage students would create relationships between the abortion provider and the students the State does not wish to foster in light of its policy preference for childbirth over abortion.”



Though Planned Parenthood was required to use the state’s approved sex ed curriculum, Planned Parenthood has a history of including its own agenda in its sex ed classes. Live Action’s Sex Ed investigation revealed that Planned Parenthood employees were promoting pornography, BDSM, whips, handcuffs, and other violent sexual behaviors to teens and were encouraging children to experiment with sex and to “Google whatever is in your head.”

Monica Kline, a former Planned Parenthood sex educator, has explained that Planned Parenthood sells sex to children with the knowledge that these children will become future abortion clients. A Planned Parenthood sex ed flyer distributed in a Washington state school further supports this assertion. The flyer promoted sex to children as young as 11, stating that they do not need permission from their parents to get birth control or have an abortion. Kline isn’t the only former Planned Parenthood employee to speak out about the abortion giant’s focus on children and sex ed.

“Working for a non-abortion center made it clear to me that contraception and abortion are two sides of the same coin,” former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Treviño explained to 40 Days for Life. “One does not exist without the other… Contraception creates a market for abortion by promoting promiscuity and providing men and women a false sense of security against an unintended pregnancy. The more promiscuous people are (especially young people), the more likely they’ll become pregnant.”

“The more people use birth control and adopt a contraceptive mentality, the higher the odds that they’ll seek an abortion. Because, let’s face it, if they’re using birth control, a child is not part of the ‘plan,'” she said. “Abortion is the backup, so to speak, for contraceptive failure, misuse, or lack of self-control.”

She added that “Planned Parenthood is not in the business of prevention. Preventing unplanned pregnancy doesn’t generate a profit. Promoting abstinence, self-control, or monogamous marriage does not keep the blood money flowing in. SEX. Sex is how Planned Parenthood meets its abortion quotas.”

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