The Islamic State, the Middle Eastern terrorist organization commonly known as ISIS (or ISIL), is carrying out a fatwa targeting children with congenital disabilities such as Down Syndrome for murder.
The fatwa, or legal ruling from an Islamic authority, was reportedly issued by Saudi judge Abu Said Aljazrawi, who sits on ISIS’s sharia board.
According to the Iraqi news group Mosul Eye, jihadists have carried out “more than 38 confirmed cases of killing babies with congenital deformities and Down’s Syndrome, aged between one week to three months. They were killed by either lethel [sic] injection or suffocation.” The executions are known to have occurred in both Syria and Mosul, Iraq.
In addition, most of the children with Down syndrome are reportedly the offspring of foreign fighters married to Iraqi, Syrian, and Asian women.
“As if it is not enough for ISIL to kill men, women and the elderly, and now, they kill children,” Mosul Eye’s report lamented.
While the report is being met with universal shock and disgust in American media outlets, children with Down syndrome are targeted for abortion in the West with much less condemnation. Among European countries that report data to the European Surveillance of Congenital Abnormalities, 53% of pregnancies are aborted following a Down Syndrome diagnosis. There is no similar data collection in the United States, but according to one statistical model approximately 30% of children with Down syndrome are aborted in this country.