Human Interest

Baby Isla, born at just 23 weeks, is now a happy and healthy one-year-old

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When little Isla was born prematurely at just 23 weeks’ gestation weighing slightly over a pound, her parents were warned their precious baby may not survive. Isla faced a daunting road, including a four-month hospital stay — but against all odds, she eventually made it home.

Now, one year later, Isla is a thriving and happy baby — a true miracle to her family.

It all began on March 4, 2022, when 27-year-old expectant mother Lauren Ormston from the UK began experiencing sharp pains in her abdomen and went into premature labor, even though her little one wasn’t expected to arrive until July.

Not long after, her daughter Isla was born weighing less than a loaf of bread at just 1.18 lbs. She was born with two brain bleeds and a hole in her heart, leading to a 130-day hospital stay and many moments where her mother wondered if her sweet baby would live. In fact, her doctors initially gave her a 10% chance of survival.

“Her skin was transparent, I could see every little vein within her body,” Lauren said. “I lived each day, never knowing if she would make it, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute.”

But Isla never stopped fighting for her life — and neither did the medical professionals caring for her. On July 12, 2022, the moment Lauren had been waiting for finally arrived — the day she and her little one could go home from the hospital. 

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Since then, Isla has continued to grow and thrive. Today, she is a happy one-year-old weighing over 15 lbs. Although a bit smaller than other babies her age, Isla is reaching all the normal milestones of her peers — sitting up alone, crawling, and standing without assistance. Her mom also says Isla has a “big personality.” 

“We didn’t think we’d see her first birthday, or that she’d ever come home — there were so many times we nearly lost her in hospital and were told to prepare for the worst,” Lauren said. “But I knew my baby girl was a fighter — and I was right.”

Isla’s story is a beacon of hope for other premature babies and their parents, showing that with unwavering love and excellent medical care, even the tiniest babies can overcome the odds and thrive. Premature babies even younger than Isla have survived when they received proper medical assistance. Baby Winner, born in Maine at 22 weeks, just recently went home with her parents. Ellie, Jemarius, and Richard were all born at 21 weeks and they survived and have thrived.

Stories like this one are also a poignant reminder of the importance of valuing the lives of preborn children and continuing the work to improve outcomes for premature babies. With continued medical advancements, more babies like Isla will survive and go home with their families.

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