The pro-life movement doesn’t always have it so easy. The divisive issue of abortion is not always the easiest one to discuss. And it seems that it can be especially difficult for those speaking from the pro-life perspective.
The percentage of pro-choice Americans reached its record low a few years ago, and the numbers remain close. Young people are particularly pro-life.
So what is the issue?
Well, the abortion movement is at a huge advantage. For one, they have more money. We often hear of pro-life groups being outspent in elections yet still emerging victorious at the ballot box. The abortion giant Planned Parenthood also receives around $1.4 million in taxpayer money per day. And while federal law prohibits that money from being used for abortion, public funds free up other money in Planned Parenthood’s coffers for other services.
Planned Parenthood also has enough money to claim that the organization is “pretty much always hiring.” Wouldn’t it be convenient for me to get a job if pro-life organizations could say that?
The media are also in favor of abortion rights and are deceptive in their reporting on the issues of abortion and birth control. The New York Times, the second most circulated newspaper for 2013, often writes on the issue from the pro-abortion perspective. Perhaps the most notable recent example of overall media bias includes the lack of coverage of the Kermit Gosnell trial, with reporters even admitting that pro-choice bias led to such a blackout.

Police closing Gosnell’s clinic
We are also living under an administration with quite the pro-abortion record. President Barack Obama, as Senator Obama, voted four times against granting protection to babies born alive from abortions. He also is the only president to speak at a Planned Parenthood event, during which he infamously asked God to bless Planned Parenthood.
While pro-lifers have made strides at the state level, in record-breaking numbers in most recent years, the fact remains that we are living in a nation still governed by Roe v. Wade. The infamous Supreme Court decisions of Roe and its companion case Doe v. Bolton had overreaching damaging effects in that it struck down state pro-life laws for all 50 states.
Pro-lifers face many difficult odds. The fight against abortion giants like Planned Parenthood has been called a David-and-Goliath type of battle. But there are victories worth celebrating. This is not only with pro-life laws at the state level, but with clinic closures as well. And above all, we have the truth on our side. You can credit it to God (David had God on his side as well against Goliath), to science, to both of those things. But the fact remains that we have the truth on our side in that abortion, this great evil, this immoral cancer, this societal ill, kills a child and harms the mother.
At times it can be frustrating to be pro-life and see all the advantages the other side has over us. It may not be easy, but it is worth it. For every life saved from an abortion is a grand celebration and worth the fight as we are on our way to eradicating abortion once and for all.