
Actress Jennifer Lawrence says her first miscarriage was ‘intended’ to be an abortion

Jennifer Lawrence

In a recent interview with Vogue, actress and new mom Jennifer Lawrence revealed that she has experienced two miscarriages, but notes that during her first pregnancy, she “one hundred percent intended to get an abortion” prior to miscarrying.

Her unfortunate narrative throughout the interview, during which she railed against the overturn of Roe v. Wade while also describing the immense love she has for her son, reflects a common double-narrative pushed by the abortion industry — that only “wanted” children deserve to be born.

Lawrence, 32, said she got pregnant in her early 20s, and though she intended abortion, the pregnancy ended naturally. “I had a miscarriage alone in Montreal,” she said. Years later, she had another miscarriage, but noted that the circumstances were different because she was married and “very much wanted to have a baby.” She gave birth earlier this year to her son, Cy.

While Lawrence says that her pregnancy was very much wanted, she couldn’t get over thinking about what it would be like to have an unwanted pregnancy.

“I remember a million times thinking about it while I was pregnant,” she said. “Thinking about the things that were happening to my body. And I had a great pregnancy. I had a very fortunate pregnancy. But every single second of my life was different. And it would occur to me sometimes: What if I was forced to do this?”

But the idea of “forced” pregnancy is dishonest phrasing — first, while sex can be forced, fertilization or conception cannot be (as those who have struggled with infertility are well aware). Second, the vast majority of pregnancies occur after consensual sex; pregnancy is a natural biological consequence of that action.

READ: Pregnant actress Jennifer Lawrence marches for abortion ‘any time, any reason’

In addition, a child’s worth does not depend on whether or not he or she is wanted. What Lawrence fails to recognize is that the preborn child deserves life because he is a unique individual human being, with his own separate and distinct DNA. Like all people, that child has the inalienable right to life.

Lawrence says that since giving birth, her “heart has stretched to a capacity that I didn’t know about.”

“The morning after I gave birth, I felt like my whole life had started over. Like, now is day one of my life. I just stared. I was just so in love,” she described. “I also fell in love with all babies everywhere. Newborns are just so amazing. They’re these pink, swollen, fragile little survivors. Now I love all babies. Now I hear a baby crying in a restaurant and I’m like, ‘Awwww, preciousssss.'”

Sadly, Lawrence misses the irony of the her statement. Loving all babies means caring for those who are still living temporarily in their mother’s womb.

Unfortunately, Lawrence is right about one thing: all newborns today are survivors, as they’ve outlived the atrocity of nationwide legalized abortion that has taken over 63 million lives.

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