
Juan Williams on U.S. abortion leader Planned Parenthood: “They don’t do many abortions”

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Juan Williams

A heated discussion broke out on Fox News Channel’s The Five when the hosts – Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld, Jesse Watters, Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Juan Williams – began talking about the Center for Medical Progress’s undercover investigation revealing Planned Parenthood’s illegal sale of the body parts of aborted babies. While the hosts accused each other of having a political agenda, Williams made an eyebrow-raising claim about Planned Parenthood that “they don’t do many abortions” (at 6:02), and then, laughingly, accuses the other hosts of poor journalism.

Williams: In fact, they don’t do many abortions; most of what they do is prevent abortions through contraception. … That’s where the journalism breaks down, because you have your own agenda.

The idea that Planned Parenthood doesn’t do many abortions is not just laughable; it’s a flat-out lie. The reality is that Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider; they perform one out of every four abortions performed in the United States. Looking at Planned Parenthood’s annual report each year makes this very clear; if you look at the Planned Parenthood annual reports over the past several years, as Americans United for Life did, the picture becomes even more horrifying.

While breast exams, cancer screenings, preventive services, prenatal care, and adoption referrals have all been slashed, the number of abortions performed have skyrocketed — despite the fact that Planned Parenthood is seeing fewer patients than in years past. 98% of women seen at Planned Parenthood will get an abortion. 94% of their “pregnancy services” are actually abortions – though some dispute these numbers.

One thing not in dispute is that each year, Planned Parenthood performs more than 300,000 abortions. That’s 900 preborn babies killed per day, or one baby every 90 seconds. And for this, Planned Parenthood receives over half a billion taxpayer dollars each year. The abortion giant has become so fanatical about abortion, that they now require all affiliates to provide abortions — any affiliate that focuses solely on women’s health care and does not provide abortions will be forced to leave the national organization.

And while Planned Parenthood’s defenders happily parrot the lie that abortion is only 3% of their services, taking even just a moment to look at the data released by Planned Parenthood itself proves that this is a lie. Planned Parenthood will count giving a woman a pregnancy test, a condom, and then performing an abortion as three services, even though the bulk of the time and money is spent on the abortion — not to mention that the majority of Planned Parenthood’s patients go to their mills to get an abortion. And at a minimum, Planned Parenthood makes $99 million each year from abortion.

To pretend that abortion is a minor part of their business is… well, bad journalism, which hypocritically, Williams accuses the other hosts of engaging in. But considering that Williams was either too lazy to do his research on Planned Parenthood, or too invested in protecting the abortion giant, the person who is acting as a bad journalist in this situation is Williams.

But it’s hardly surprising. The media has been dutifully working to help Planned Parenthood weather this scandal, from distorting poll findings and refusing to cover the videos, to obeying when Planned Parenthood tells them to stay silent. The media bias is overwhelming, and Juan Williams is just the latest example of someone willing to sell out his journalistic ethics to defend an evil, bloodthirsty organization that makes millions by killing preborn children.

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