Abortion Pill Reversal

Another judge blocks New York AG from silencing pregnancy centers on ‘abortion pill reversal’

New York Attorney General Letitia James has suffered another setback in her crusade to silence pregnancy resource centers (PRCs). Yet another judge has issued a temporary injunction against her, allowing PRCs to inform women about their option to seek “abortion pill reversal.”

In August, Summit Life Outreach Center and the Evergreen Association filed a lawsuit against James, accusing her of “bullying” them, and violating their First Amendment rights. James filed suit against 11 PRCs in May, claiming they give “false and misleading statements to advertise an unproven treatment they call ‘abortion pill reversal [APR].’” These two facilities were not specifically named, but said her overall targeting of PRCs has put them at risk. The two PRCs are being represented by the Thomas More Society.

“Abortion pill reversal” involves the administration of high doses of progesterone to outcompete the anti-progesterone effects of the mifepristone abortion pill. During a chemical abortion, which is now the most common type of abortion procedure, a woman takes two drugs: mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone blocks progesterone, effectively serving to starve the preborn baby of nutrients needed to survive. Misoprostol then induces contractions, so the woman will expel the body of her dead baby.

The method of “abortion pill reversal” is the same as what has been used to treat a threatened miscarriage for years.


Despite what pro-abortion activists claim, the administration of progesterone to outcompete the abortion pill reportedly has a track record of safety and effectiveness. It’s currently estimated that over 5,000 children have been saved through “abortion pill reversal.”

Last month, a federal court ruled against AG James, saying the First Amendment protects a different group of PRCs’ right to speak about “abortion pill reversal.” Moreover, the court said, “the ‘very purpose of the First Amendment is to foreclose public authority from assuming a guardianship of the public mind through regulating the press, speech, and religion.’”

Now, according to a press release from the Thomas More Society, another judge has ruled in their favor also, issuing a temporary injunction against James as the lawsuit moves forward.

“This injunction marks a critical victory for New York’s pregnancy help organizations and another blow to Letitia James’ unconstitutional witch-hunt against pro-life ministries,” Peter Breen, Thomas More Society Executive Vice President & Head of Litigation, said in a press release. “These small nonprofits, which exist to compassionately serve women and offer them alternatives to abortion, deserve to have their speech elevated – not chilled. This court order makes clear Ms. James cannot censor pro-life speech purely because she dislikes it. We are hopeful that this injunction will buttress our case in New York state court, where we proudly continue to defend the host of pregnancy help organizations unjustly targeted and sued by Ms. James as part of her unconstitutional campaign to silence pro-life ministries. These pro-life ministries have a constitutional right to share information about Abortion Pill Reversal, and their message is saving thousands of lives.”

Barbara Bidak, Executive Director of Summit Life Outreach Center, likewise applauded the ruling.

“Our staff and volunteers at Summit Life Outreach Center work tirelessly to provide life-affirming options for women in need,” she said. “We’re incredibly pleased a federal judge has now made clear that Attorney General Letitia James’ legal attacks on our state’s pro-life ministries unconstitutionally chills our First Amendment right to share the lifesaving message of Abortion Pill Reversal – which gives pregnant moms in the middle of a chemical abortion a second chance to choose life. We are grateful to Thomas More Society for stepping in to defend our rights and pressing this case in federal court.”

Urge Walmart, Costco, Kroger, and other major chains to resist pressure to dispense the abortion pill

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