
“Just Google It”: Planned Parenthood’s advice to pregnant women

Planned Parenthood, abortion corporation

As Planned Parenthood faces the very real threat of being defunded, the abortion chain has become more and more desperate. While abortion has long been the bread and butter at Planned Parenthood, its advocates suddenly want to convince the American public that it is a vital health care provider that millions of women rely on. And perhaps to downplay their role as America’s largest abortion corporation, Planned Parenthood has lately been emphasizing its so-called prenatal care services.

The only problem? Planned Parenthood doesn’t provide prenatal care at the overwhelming majority of its facilities. Earlier this year, a Live Action investigation exposed just how little care Planned Parenthood provides to pregnant women.

Staff at 92 out of 97 Planned Parenthood facilities contacted by Live Action told our investigators that they did not provide prenatal care, that they could not help pregnant women, and that they only provided abortions. Now, a new Live Action video further proves that Planned Parenthood has no interest in helping women who want to keep their babies — from the words of the abortion chain’s own staffers.

The service Planned Parenthood clinics suggested to pregnant women not interested in abortion? Google.

In Dover, Delaware, a woman called and told the staffer that she was nine weeks pregnant and interested in adoption. She asked if Planned Parenthood could help. The staffer told her that Planned Parenthood doesn’t help with that, and advised her to Google adoption agencies.

Another pregnant woman called Planned Parenthood — this time in Austin, Texas — and again, when the woman pointed out that Planned Parenthood doesn’t have the services she needs, she was told to use Google

A Planned Parenthood in Elizabeth, New Jersey, was visited by a woman asking for parenting resources. The staffer again offered Google as Planned Parenthood’s invaluable tool, although this time at least, the staffer offered to Google for her.

In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a woman asked if Planned Parenthood offered any pregnancy services. The staffer said no, unless she was looking to terminate the pregnancy, and once again…told the woman to consult Google.

Morristown, New Jersey’s Planned Parenthood had a woman ask them if the facility offered adoption services, and this woman, like all the rest, was told no, and that she could either visit her local health department or consult with the ever-helpful Google.

In Council Bluffs, Iowa, a woman asked if she could possibly get an ultrasound at Planned Parenthood. The staffer informed her that Planned Parenthood only performs ultrasounds for abortions, not for prenatal care. The woman then asked if she could be referred to any other clinics, but the staffer merely advised her to look around on the internet.

A woman who called the facility in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, likewise was told to go online and use Google to find an obstetrician; she asked if she could at least get an ultrasound from Planned Parenthood, and was told that ultrasounds are only used for abortions. No prenatal care or adoption services were offered.

Why, exactly, does Planned Parenthood need half a billion dollars in taxpayer funding each year? They provide little-to-no prenatal care. The vast majority of pregnant women are not helped by Planned Parenthood, and certainly not those women who choose life, birth, parenting, or adoption. They provide a minuscule number of adoption referrals.

When it comes to other health care services, Planned Parenthood fails there as well. Despite the rehearsed claims, the reality is that Planned Parenthood performs only a tiny fraction of health screenings. The abortion chain performs less than two percent of all clinical breast exams in the nation, not even one percent of all Pap tests, and less than two percent of all cancer screenings for women. Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood is outnumbered by thousands of federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), community health centers (CHCs), and county health clinics, all of which provide comprehensive care to low-income and uninsured women — including many forms of necessary and primary care that Planned Parenthood does not provide. These clinics are much more deserving of Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding, yet America’s abortion corporation is taking it all instead.

The real question is why? Isn’t it time we stop funding Planned Parenthood?

Editor’s Note, 3/24/21: A statistic from a third party stating that 94% of Planned Parenthood’s services to pregnant women is abortion has been removed due to possible statistical inaccuracies.

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