Kansas lawmakers approved Sunday evening two new pro-life laws, which now go to pro-life Governor Sam Brownback for his likely signature.
The first, which cleared the state Senate 40-0 and the House 115-7, is actually an update to health regulations addressing multiple subjects, but includes a provision forbidding midwives from performing abortions or administering abortifacients.
The second forbids federal family planning funds from being dispensed to Planned Parenthood, which turns a budget practice doing the same yearly into permanent law. The bill passed the Senate 32-8 and the House 87-34.
Americans United for Life has named Kansas the second most pro-life state in the nation thanks to laws such as these enacted over the past several years. Pro-life lawmakers continue their work to protect the preborn despite abortion advocates filing a lawsuit over the state’s dismemberment abortion ban and the Obama Administration stripping Kansas of family planning dollars in retaliation.
Despite pro-abortion claims Planned Parenthood is necessary to women’s health, federally-qualified health centers and rural health clinics that provide care to low-income women drastically outnumber Planned Parenthood locations in the state.