
Kanye West wears baby’s ultrasound to Fox interview, discusses pro-life views

Kanye “Ye” West appeared on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” this week wearing a lanyard that featured the ultrasound of a baby. When asked about it, West declared to Carlson that he considers himself pro-life.

Fresh off of Paris Fashion Week, West told Carlson about the image in the lanyard he was still wearing from that week, saying, “It’s a photograph of a baby’s ultrasound. […] It just represents life. I’m pro-life.” He reportedly created the lanyard himself.

When Carlson asked what kind of a reaction West has gotten to the lanyard, West replied, “I don’t care about people’s response. I care about the fact that there are more Black babies being aborted than born in New York City at this point, that 50% of Black death in America is abortion. So I really don’t care about people’s responses. I perform for an audience of one, and that is God.”

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This isn’t the first time West has been outspoken about his pro-life stance. During an interview 2019, he said, “Democrats had us voting Democrat for food stamps for years, bro. What you talking about? Guns in the 80s, taking the fathers out of the home, Plan B, lowering our votes, making us abort our children. Thou shall not kill… I can’t tell y’all how to feel. But what I can tell you honestly is how I feel.”

In 2020, he revealed that he had been spared from abortion and so had his daughter. He told a crowd of his supporters during the 2020 presidential race that when his ex-wife Kim Kardashian became pregnant with their daughter, North, “I was living the rapper’s lifestyle… She said she was pregnant, and for one month and two months and three months, we talked about her not having this child. She had the pills in her hand… these pills, if you take the pills, that’s a wrap. The baby’s gone….” He said he didn’t want to have a baby but that Kardashian “stood up and protected that child!”



He also told the audience, “When the baby’s conceived, at that point it is a soul, it is a real living thing… That six month old baby… that is a real, living thing…. it is real at that point, says God.”

West has faced backlash in the last few years over controversial statements and ideas, and Carlson noted that West has been brushed off as “crazy” by many people.

Carlson said that he sees West as a man who is simply speaking what he thinks. In fact, said Carlson, “We’ve rarely heard a man speak so honestly and so movingly about what he believes.”


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