Live Action’s founder and president Lila Rose recently sat down with supermodel and human rights activist Kathy Ireland for an exclusive interview. Ireland shared her pro-life journey, spoke about standing up for life in Hollywood, and emphasized that those in the pro-life movement need courage and the will to fight.
Calling herself a “slow learner,” Ireland admitted that growing up, she didn’t know God, and didn’t know what He taught about abortion. Eventually, it was science that showed her the reality of life in the womb.
“It was science that led me to understand that life begins at the moment of conception and it is a human being at the moment of conception,” she explained. Still, she said it was many years before she reconciled this belief with the recognition that abortion violates God’s law.
“I think once you know the truth and you know a human being’s life is in danger, nothing else matters.”
Ireland noted that she has gotten a lot of pushback for standing up for pro-life causes, especially in the business world, yet she calls the pushback “irrelevant when we’re talking about a human life.” She said she felt compelled to speak up about life, even when she was told it would kill her career. But, she said, “If I have the opportunity to talk about life, I’m going to take it… we’re talking about a baby being killed!”
Though she was told it would destroy her career, she refused to back down from her principles. “The Lord will provide,” she said.
When Rose asked her to give advice to those in business or Hollywood who may be pro-life but don’t have the courage to speak out, Ireland said, “Find the courage.”
“People are hearing propaganda in the media, and Planned Parenthood is a powerful money machine and a big money-maker,” Ireland said, explaining that pro-life voices are needed to counter the abortion agenda. Ireland noted that though abortion appears to be the most convenient choice for society, women carry the hurt alone and often suffer for years afterward.
“When we’re talking about abortion, it’s not a woman’s rights issue; it’s a human rights crisis,” she said. “It’s so important for women to know that there is nothing too big for God.
To those fighting the evils of abortion, especially in very pro-abortion states, Ireland offered final encouraging words: “This is a battle we all must be engaged with, and as dark as this state can be, the light can shine brighter, so we’ve got to just fight through.”