During an interview with the Times of UK, Emmy-winning actor Kelsey Grammer reiterated that he is an unapologetic member of Hollywood’s pro-life minority.
“Little makes me angry, but injustice does,” said Grammer, who is best known for his role as Dr. Frasier Crane in the long-running sitcoms Cheers and Frasier. Later, the subject of abortion came up.
“It gets a bit dishonest to call something reproductive rights when you clearly have a choice well before a baby is conceived,” he said. “If someone has to die as a result of rape, then we should kill the rapist — not the unborn child.“
As Live Action News covered, Grammer is converted to the pro-life cause several years ago (though unconfirmed, his change of heart may stem from the 2010 miscarriage of his fifth child). He attended the 2016 March for Life and the 2015 National Right to Life Convention.
Abortion advocates have criticized him for sporting a pro-life T-shirt from Abort73.com.
The website StartsAt60.com derided Grammer’s latest remarks as “extreme,” and even made the outlandish suggestion that, “there are many who think that his views on abortion could stem from his slip back into drinking.” However, the site also acknowledged his wife’s miscarriage, and noted he does not take the subject of rape lightly, as his sister Karen had been raped and murdered in 1975.