Pro-life actor and filmmaker Kirk Cameron spoke at the 49th March for Life rally on January 21, sharing personal insight into why he is pro-life and reminding pro-life Christians that they are doing God’s work.
“Why are we here?” he asked. “The Bible — the book that built America — says that those who hate God love death, but we’re the family of faith. We love God, therefore, we love life. And our hope is not in the White House. It’s not in Congress. Our hope is not in the people who govern us or the laws that we make in this nation. Our hope is in the power of God working in the hearts of his people.”
Cameron went on to explain that the issue of life is immensely personal to him. His wife, Chelsea, who appeared with him on the 1980s TV show “Growing Pains,” nearly lost her life to abortion. Cameron explained, “Chelsea was one doctor appointment away from not existing. Our first four children are also adopted. They were ‘this close’ to not being here and if my wife Chelsea had not been born, our two natural-born children would not exist either. So my six children and my wife are here as a result of loving, compassionate, and courageous people like you who are marching today at the March for Life.”
Cameron shared a clip from his upcoming pro-life film “Lifemark,” which is based on a true story. The movie highlights the humanity of life inside the womb and the beauty of adoption. He also reminded the crowd that ending abortion isn’t just about the annual March in memory of the lives lost to abortion, but is an ongoing battle.
“We’re going to be marching together this afternoon, but after this day is over, I want us all to remember to continue the marching orders that have been given to us by our commander in chief who lives in the heavenly places,” he said. “And His executive orders trump all other executive orders. And the mandates from Heaven remind us to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God. That’s what we will be doing this afternoon and I’m proud to be with you.”
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