The sole abortionist in Wyoming, who openly commits surgical and chemical abortions, has shared his plans to leave the state.
As NBC News reported, some doctors in the state will commit abortions for their already-existing patients. Brent Blue, however, is unique in that he has openly advertised abortion for decades. Blue worked as a physician at St. John’s Health after selling Emergacare, the abortion facility he started 39 years ago, to the hospital. He resigned in October, citing a “hostile work environment,” and stating that his last day committing abortions in the state will be February 10.
According to the report, Blue is considering relocating to Idaho, as he believes it will be easier to open a new abortion facility there and have better access to his patients. The news also comes as Wyoming lawmakers consider implementing pro-life bills similar to those in Texas, such as the Heartbeat Act and another that restricts chemical abortions.
Blue told the outlet that he believes he’s offering a “medical service” that “should be part of any well-rounded family care.”
He has said he offers abortion alternatives to women, but his defense about why he kills even some preborn children fails to address pro-lifers’ primary objection to abortion. “Sometimes it’s right for somebody to be pregnant and to have a child, and other times it’s not,” he said. “It’s up to that individual woman to make that decision. It’s not up to me.”
READ: Alabama abortion facility sued by woman after horrific botched abortion
Abortion is not an issue where moral neutrality is possible, however. Morality is about what is objectively right and wrong, not about individual preference. The pro-life view is that every human is intrinsically valuable based on what they are, not on their present location or acquired properties such as self-awareness. Therefore, either all humans deserve equal protection from violence, or they don’t.
Explaining why he ends the lives of preborn human beings, it seems Blue sees it as necessary care for women. The report describes how, early in his career, Blue worked in San Francisco. One day, he delivered a baby at a patient’s house. Remembering how he then sat down to dinner with other female members of the patient’s family, Blue pointed to this day as the reason why he committed abortions for years.
“I’ve always felt that women’s rights and women’s health are an important issue,” Blue said. “And I’ve never understood why women get the short end of the health care stick.”
Pro-lifers agree that women shouldn’t face discrimination when attempting to access health care. But abortion is not health care as it does not prevent pregnant women from suffering illness, nor does it correct any pregnancy-related pathologies. It deliberately ends the life of an innocent human being. By opposing abortion, pro-lifers are not arguing that pregnant women should not receive care. They are simply refusing to accept abortion — killing — as health care.
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