
Late-term abortionist Carhart sends another woman to the ER

planned parenthood, abortion, ambulance, abortions, emergency

As the nation mourns the 43rd anniversary of legalized abortion today, Operation Rescue reports that one of the profiteers of that legalization has sent another reminder that abortion is neither legal nor safe.

This week, infamous late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart’s sent his sixth patient to a hospital in Germantown, Maryland.


Operation Rescue reports:

Security camera footage obtained by Operation Rescue shows an ambulance arriving at Germantown Reproductive Health Services in Germantown, Maryland at approximately 7:46 p.m. according to the video time-stamp. Seven minutes later, emergency responders are seen leaving the late-term abortion facility with the injured women on a gurney.

Carhart and his wife, Mary Lou, are also seen exiting the abortion facility and leaving the parking lot immediately after the ambulance.

As the Supreme Court is preparing to hear oral arguments on Texas’s abortion law, HB2, this story is a reminder of the need for commonsense abortion safety laws. The Texas bill includes a mandate that abortionists have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. It’s a basic patient safety law that abortion advocates say is targeting them and hurting women.

LeRoy Carhart

LeRoy Carhart

However, as Operation Rescue notes, “Carhart has not held hospital privileges anywhere, including Maryland, since 1982.”

Carhart, who is known for performing abortions even in the ninth month of pregnancy at Germantown Reproductive Health Services, could serve as the poster child for the need for safety laws. This isn’t Carhart’s first emergency rodeo, as Operation Rescue notes:

This is the sixth medical emergency that has resulted in the hospitalization of a Carhart abortion patient since he began working in Maryland five years ago. One of those incidents resulted in the death of Jennifer Morbelli, who succumbed on Feburary 7, 2012, to complications of a 33-week abortion. Even though Carhart was unable to be contacted as Morbelli’s condition worsened, which fatally delayed emergency Carhart was never held accountable.

Carhart was also involved in the death of another late-term abortion patient, Christin Gilbert, a 19-year old Down syndrome teen who died from complications to a botched third trimester abortion on January 13, 2005.

Operation Rescue president Troy Newman said:

When Carhart moved his late-term abortion business to Germantown, we predicted he would kill again, and that prediction came true. Now he has hospitalized two women within a month of each other and we do not know if either woman is alive or dead. Carhart is a dangerous abortionist that has maimed and killed enough. We urgently call on the Maryland Board of Physicians to step in and stop Carhart from practicing in Maryland before he kills again.

On Tuesday, the day this patient was sent to the emergency room, Operation Rescue says, “A witness on the scene has told Operation Rescue that on January 19, Carhart saw 21 patients. Seven of those were risky late-term abortion deliveries.” The pro-life organization added that the first patient to arrive that day did not leave until 11 hours later – in a ambulance.

Carhart is getting getting frequent looks at the inside of an ambulance these days; the last time he sent a patient to the emergency room was, as Newman stated, just last month.

Carhart’s abortion business is clearly dangerous for babies – sometimes viable babies he kills close to when they were ready to take their first breath outside the womb – as well as to mothers, who literally put their lives in his unsafe hands.

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