
Lawmaker introduces bill to create stiffer penalties for ‘partial-birth’ abortion

partial-birth abortion

Since the bodies of five infants killed in late abortions were found in Washington, D.C., there have been calls for the Department of Justice to investigate — particularly as one infant shows possible signs of having been the victim of a violent D&X (“partial-birth”) abortion, which is already federally illegal. Yet one lawmaker is going further, introducing a law that would assign greater penalty to those who choose to break the law by committing this procedure.

Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) introduced the Partial Birth Abortion is Murder Act in the U.S. House, which carries heavier penalties than the Partial Birth Abortion Act of 2003. Under the original law, an abortionist who commits a “partial-birth” abortion receives a penalty of fines and/or imprisonment for up to two years, while Mullin’s legislation would increase the penalty to five years in prison without parole.

“Those five defenseless lives inspired this bill,” Mullin said in an interview with the Daily Wire. “Despite evidence that these babies were murdered in violation of federal law, the Metropolitan Police Department of D.C. has failed to seriously investigate Washington Surgi-Clinic and the local abortionist there. And tragically, we know this is not the only instance in which this crime has occurred. With this bill, we’ll preserve the sanctity of human life and ensure no abortionist can get away with this ever again.”

READ: Nurse witnesses partial birth abortions of 9-month-old infants

Several medical experts told Live Action News that one of the children, given the name Harriet, showed signs of having been the victim of a “partial-birth” abortion.

During this type of abortion procedure, a baby is typically turned to the breech position and the child’s extremities are delivered before the rest of the body is pulled into the birth canal and delivered, except for the head — according to a description given by the inventor of the D&X procedure, abortionist Martin Haskell. The abortionist then punctures the base of the baby’s neck, and uses powerful suction to remove the baby’s brain and collapse the skull.

A video released in 2017 also showed evidence that these abortions were still being committed. A Center for Medical Progress (CMP) undercover video showed Stacey De-Lin, director of abortion services at Planned Parenthood of New York City, saying, “… [W]e certainly do intact D&Es (dilation and evacuation)” — another term for D&X or “partial-birth” abortion.

Yet despite the outrage the CMP videos caused, little action was taken; in fact, the Biden administration seems more inclined than ever to turn the other way when such violent abortions are committed. Last year, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra first denied the procedure is even against the law, and then argued that this specific type of procedure is life-saving.

Mullin’s bill is not likely to pass, but he felt it was necessary to take action, regardless. “Partial birth abortion is a cruel and gruesome means to ending human life,” he said. “As a father of six children, including three that came into our lives through the blessing of adoption, I believe wholeheartedly that every human life is precious and that life begins in the womb. We have to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves.”

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