
As pro-abortion lawmakers push HHS to expand abortion, pro-life legislators push back

congress, pro-choice caucus, Senate, abortion

Fifty-three pro-life legislators have signed a letter addressed to HHS Secretary Becerra expressing concern about a pro-abortion task force, calling attention to the extreme pro-abortion agenda of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). At the same time, the task force is receiving pressure from pro-abortion legislators from the Committee on Oversight and Reform, who wrote their own letter asking for more access to the pill with fewer safeguards in the name of expanding access to abortions, regardless of the effect it has on women.  

Live Action News previously reported on the formation of the pro-abortion task force, designed specifically to “protect and bolster” abortion in the country and abroad.

Rep. Buddy Carter, who authored the pro-life legislators’ letter, posted a tweet calling the task force “a direct assault on states’ work to protect innocent children” which “must be stopped.” The letter starts by pointing out that “On the 49th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, your Department [the HHS] announced the formation of a new Task Force that has labeled terminating the lives of unborn children to be ‘essential sexual and reproductive health care.’”

The task force, says the letter, is just another example of pushing abortion through U.S. health policy, other examples of which include making the abortion pill less safe, offering millions of dollars to abortion businesses, and attempting to undermine Texas’ SB8 law, the Texas Heartbeat Act. 

Abortion is not health care, points out the pro-life legislators’ letter – it takes the life of a preborn baby, and funding for abortion doesn’t give women the support they actually need. “Since 1973, 63 million innocent lives have been lost to abortion. Women deserve better than abortion. They deserve the support they need to care for their babies and themselves.” 

READ: Op-ed peddles lie that abortion is fundamental to women’s equality

The letter goes on to cite statistics showing that a majority of Americans are against taxpayer-funded abortion at home and abroad despite the current administration’s policies. Given the amount of pro-life legislation passed in recent years, this policy against the will of the people of the United States. “The taxpayer dollars that fund HHS should be focused on promoting the highest quality of health information and care to all individuals, both born and unborn. They should not be used to promote a pro-abortion agenda in a shameless attempt to override the pro-life legislation that is being promoted in the states and defended in countries around the world.”

Live Action News has reported on the pro-life leaders from other countries who aptly label this exportation of pro-abortion ideology as “colonization.” 

The pro-life letter ended with a list of eight questions seeking to shed light on the task force, seeking to clarify the task force’s funding source and whether it would appropriate taxpayer dollars to undermine a democratic process in potentially targeting states that have pro-life legislation on the books. It also sought clarity for taxpayers on whether public funds would be used for “reproductive health and rights abroad,” and most importantly wanted to know what markers would be used to measure its success.

In other words, how much abortion is enough abortion for the unelected and unaccountable task force? 

The legislators are demanding answers within the next two months. “The American people deserve to learn more about this Task Force,” the letter says. “We ask for your detailed responses to the following questions by May 9, 2022.”

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