
Woman files suit after Planned Parenthood abortionist perforated her uterus and bowel

women, danger, abortion, abortionist, Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood of Southern New England (PPSNE) is plagued with medical negligence lawsuits, but the media isn’t telling women anything about them.

One current case alleges that PPSNE told a woman she had miscarried at six weeks and gave her the abortion pill. She then gave birth to a stillborn 22-week old baby boy and has sued the abortion giant for medical negligence. Another current lawsuit alleges that PPSNE failed to notice that an IUD patient was 31 weeks pregnant. A third separate lawsuit states PPSNE abortionists left a woman permanently injured.

According to the legal complaint obtained by Live Action News, Corrin Thompson has filed a lawsuit against PPSNE and Dr. Gary Nobert which states that in January of 2019, Thompson underwent a D&C abortion committed by Dr. Alexandre West, a faculty member at UConn School of Medicine, under the supervision of Nobert. However, expert testimony submitted in the case by a separate OB/GYN states that Thompson underwent a D&E abortion at 16 weeks pregnant. As a result of the abortion, Thompson suffered a perforated uterus and a perforated bowel which required an emergency hysterectomy, an emergency bowel resection, and the emergency removal of an ovary and fallopian tube. She has suffered physical pain, mental anguish, emotional distress, and unexpected medical bills.


Thompson’s lawsuit alleges these injuries are the result of medical negligence due to Nobert’s failure to appropriately dilate her cervix, failure to properly use and read ultrasound imaging, failure to properly supervise West, failure to “provide due consideration to standard anatomical landmarks,” and repeatedly attempting to remove the preborn baby’s body despite facing “an unacceptable degree of resistance.”

The lawsuit also states that West failed to meet standard medical care guidelines due to the same failures as listed for Nobert.

READ: Valentine’s Day abortion injury sends hemorrhaging woman to hospital

A D&E abortion procedure, as seen in the video above, is used during the second trimester to dismember the preborn child. As was the case with Thompson, the risks include a perforated uterus with the potential to damage the intestines, bladder, and any nearby blood vessels as well as the potential for hemorrhage, infection, and death for the mother. A D&C abortion as well as a D&E abortion can cause damage to the uterus or cervix which can cause a risk of premature birth in future pregnancies. Scarring left behind can increase the risk of uterine rupture during a future pregnancy — which could kill both mother and child — as well as the risk of hemorrhage during future deliveries.

While abortion proponents claim abortion is safe, injuries like Thompson’s are far more common than women are led to believe. Only about half of all states are required to even report abortion complications, making it nearly impossible to know how many women are suffering the life-long injuries of abortion.

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