The president of NARAL Pro-Choice America meant to send a donation plea to supporters, but instead, she sent a revelation of just how afraid abortion advocates are as they realize they are losing the battle.
Ilyse G. Hogue, NARAL’s president, begins her year-end donation letter by saying:
I’m going to be honest: 2016 could really be the year we say goodbye to Roe v. Wade.
She goes on to detail her fears:
First, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether states are allowed to effectively ban abortion by simply shutting down every abortion clinic.
Then, voters will choose who will replace President Obama in the White House–and who will select as many as two or more Supreme Court justices.
She’s correct about all of these things, and her plan to use her fears to elicit cash falls flat. Hogue tries to imply that if abortion advocates don’t donate to the $200,000 fundraising goal by the end of the year, abortion might become illegal because the work NARAL does is so vital to keeping abortion alive.
That’s why it’s so crucial that we hit our year-end fundraising goal of $200,000 by December 31.
Will you make a generous year-end contribution to NARAL Pro-Choice America right now? Your gift will be DOUBLED by a few generous donors–but only if you give right now.
Citing Texas’ HB2 law that the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear, Hogue laments the loss of abortion facilities, which she says were “forced” to be shut down; the reality is that these clinics weren’t meeting adequate safety standards. These standards were designed to protect women, and they could also potentially aid in the survival of babies born alive after botched abortions. The clinics closed down because they were not willing to spend the necessary money to meet the safety standards.
Hogue is correct, however, when she cites the law’s implications:
But this is about so much more than Texas. States all around the country have passed their own clinic shutdown laws, and if we lose, this will become a blueprint for how anti-choice governors can effectively overturn Roe v. Wade by simply making abortion unavailable.
She’s also right that we are close to making abortion illegal. One by one, states are passing laws that reflect current medical standards in all other areas. Across the nation, people’s eyes are opening to the reality of abortion and its physical torture to babies who can feel pain. Across the nation, people’s eyes are opening to the fact that abortion is a serious medical procedure that has had little restriction on it while other medical procedures are often regulated for patient safety. And across the nation, abortion advocates’ eyes are opening to how the pro-life side is winning.
Hogue’s fundraising plea reveals the fear and trembling behind the scenes of the abortion industry. Her words should empower pro-lifers to work harder. Even NARAL Pro-Choice America is telling its supporters that pro-lifers are winning the battle, and that win may come in just a few months.