During Human Rights Week, many groups speak out for the rights of the marginalized. Yet the most foundational human right is still denied to human beings throughout the world: the right to life. Without this right, no other rights exist. Yet the legalization of abortion and euthanasia have robbed millions of human beings of that right.
Throughout history, varying groups of human beings have been used as slaves, experimented on, and unjustly killed. They’ve been considered property and sub-human. They have been considered expendable, usually based on one arbitrary determining factor such as skin color, religion, nationality, or sex.
It’s because of the atrocities of the past that the United Nations lists the right to life as a “core human right” that is “non-derogable,” meaning it must be safeguarded under all circumstances. Yet while the UN states that the “torture, cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment” of any human is prohibited, this same powerful global entity coercively promotes abortion and has promoted euthanasia. In doing so, the UN makes it clear that still today, only certain human beings are viewed as worthy of the “non-derogable” right to life.
Despite the UN’s consideration of the right to life as a core human right, in 2018, the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations in Geneva adopted a document that actually pressured pro-life countries to legalize abortion.
Location is the determining factor that makes preborn human beings expendable to the UN and to countries like the United States. While human embryos and fetuses are not considered persons under the current law of the United States or other Western nations until they are completely born, there is no denying that they are human beings. Science proves this.

Preborn baby ectopic pregnancy 10 weeks gestation
A preborn human being is an individual member of the human species with human DNA. She isn’t merely cells or tissue that are parts of a human being — she is a whole human being. The abortion argument, therefore, lies not in whether or not she is human, but whether or not she is considered worthy of the right to life.
The pro-life position does not pit mother against child or argue that the preborn baby’s rights should trump the mother’s rights. It states that the preborn baby has his or her own right to life — a right to not be killed. The pro-abortion position does pit mother against child and argues that the mother’s right to bodily autonomy trumps her child’s right to life, and therefore her child can legally be killed through torturous methods that the UN would object to if they were used on born human beings.
Considering an entire class of human beings unworthy of the core human right to life is discriminatory, and shows that humanity has not come as far as we’d like to believe in how we treat others.
Abortion is an act of “torture, cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment” on human beings. Abortion methods include suctioning the smallest of preborn children out of the womb in pieces and dismembering even viable babies by ripping their arms and legs from their torsos and crushing their skulls.
Abortion in all of its forms is horrific and inhumane to the human being in the womb, yet it is promoted by the contradictory and hypocritical UN Human Rights Committee.
In November 2017, the UN Human Rights Committee discussed assisted suicide and euthanasia, and considered whether to alter the interpretation of the “right to life” by establishing a so-called “right to die.” But the “right to die” is a fabrication reserved for only certain individuals — the physically disabled, the chronically ill, the elderly, and in some cases, the mentally ill. The determining factors include health and age.
While suicide is called a “right” for those in certain groups, the suicide of an average, young, healthy person is considered a devastating tragedy, as it should be for all individuals. A societal cry of grief can be heard when a child, teen, or young adult takes his or her own life. Yet, if that person is disabled or chronically ill, society often says the desire to die is understandable. Suicide for these individuals is celebrated by the able-bodied because “who would want to live like that?”
The same is true for the elderly, for whom suicide is considered not only acceptable but is applauded. But these are human beings who are just as worthy of the right to life as those considered healthy and able-bodied.
Euthanasia and assisted suicide put vulnerable people at risk. Often, individuals seeking assisted suicide feel they will be a burden on their families or society if they choose to go on living. These individuals deserve the right to high-quality end-of-life care that allows them to be supported throughout the duration of an illness or through the process of natural death.
READ: UN Human Rights Council appoints abortionist as expert on human rights
Because of legalized assisted suicide, insurance companies have begun denying treatments that might extend lives and have pressured patients to consider assisted suicide as a cost-saving measure instead. In October, a report submitted to the Canadian Parliament applauded the healthcare cost savings that resulted from the country’s legalization of assisted suicide. For the nation’s government-run health care program, it is more cost-effective to kill people than to heal them or provide them with palliative care.
Throughout history, human rights have been denied to those considered unworthy, and today, the denial of human rights has been repackaged and rebranded to masquerade as a “right.” Americans are horrified that the Nazis killed the disabled decades ago, yet death for the disabled is now celebrated as a “right.”
The same is true for abortion. It kills the most innocent human beings whom we are meant to protect, and the suffragists of the early 1900s knew this. Today, abortion has been rebranded and sold to women as a means to freedom and equality.
Every human being, regardless of age, health, or location is worthy and deserving of the right to life. For every human being to be ensured the foundational human right to life, we must end abortion and euthanasia for good.
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