Over the years, the United Nations has succumbed to the advances of population control and abortion advocates with an agenda to defy the fundamental right to life to the peoples of all nations. Consequently, the U.N. is riddled with problematic language and policies that effectively fail to live up to its mission, found in the U.N. Preamble, “to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small.”
For example, the central drive of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is to control and reduce the populations of nations based on the misguided understanding that population size dictates the opportunities and happiness available to an individual. For years, the UNFPA has centered its population-reduction policies on bogus demographic principles that are hostile to large families:
Instead of promoting population reduction (and the troubling practices that have been introduced and implemented to achieve it), the Life is Beautiful Platform seeks to promote solutions that harness “human ingenuity to drive development.” In this way, communities will be encouraged to develop the solutions and technologies necessary for sustaining their populations rather than taking part in the methods that often prove detrimental to the morale and economic health of nations that enforce strict population control.
The Life is Beautiful Platform exists as a kind of conscience behind life-related policies within the U.N. One of its priorities is to combat anti-life language that has been insidiously introduced into U.N. policy to promote abortion without actually saying so. In its action points for U.N. delegates, for example, the Life is Beautiful Platform suggests the following:
Remove references to “population dynamics” and language that links development to reproductive health and smaller population size. Ensure that the focus remains on achieving conditions where every individual can flourish, and thereby contribute to authentic development
Learn more about the Life is Beautiful Platform at their website, LifeIsBeautiful.org, and follow the Platform on Facebook here.