Back in 2009 when she was 19, Hannah Rose Allen’s life was changed forever. She had an abortion and then, later in the same year, lost her precious daughter, Lily Katherine, at full term. Both of her children – Luke and Lily – silently changed the course of her life. “Because of my past,” Hannah said, “my entire present and future are altered, in a beautiful, incredible way.”
Here is her tribute video to her Lily.
Because Hannah Rose chose both abortion and life (in the same year, even), she holds a perspective on life that not many women have. And at the heart of her story is the deep forgiveness she found, accompanied by a desire to share the love of Jesus that she has also found. In Luke 7:47 it says, “Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven – for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.”
Hannah Rose told me that “[b]ecause I know how much I have been forgiven of by my Savior, He is giving me the ability to love Him and others much. I know I am called to share my story, both in speaking and writing. My story just so happens to be a pro-life story, but even more than that, it is a story that testifies to the love, mercy, grace, and redemption of Jesus. Being a Christian and being pro-life go hand-in-hand for me. I am so passionate about LIFE because of the very Author of LIFE! The unborn are so valuable because the Bible clearly says they are…because they are made in the image of Most-High-God.”
Because of her two angels, Hannah Rose is speaking out with a passion and purpose they have given her. She now travels the country, giving her testimony at banquets, pro-life events, churches, college campuses, conferences, rallies, and so forth. As a volunteer at her local pregnancy resource center (Your Choice Pregnancy Center in Raleigh, NC), she is also now giving hope to girls who are in the same situation she was.
In the future, Hannah Rose dreams of writing a book and becoming involved in post-abortive ministry. She is also reaching out to people who have experienced the loss of a baby through her blog and by donating Hospital Comfort Boxes to parents at the very hospital where her Lily was born.
“Who knows what else God has planned for my life and story?” she says. “I know this is just the beginning of how He will use Lily and Luke’s lives and legacies. It will be amazing to watch it all unfold. It is such a blessing to be called to this ministry.”
To others getting involved with the pro-life movement, she wants to spread this message:
[N]ever feel like you are just one life and cannot make a difference. Two babies who never spoke a word or took a breath have changed my life completely, forever! It is not up to us to decide how God uses a life. What matters is being obedient to what God is asking of us and trusting Him with the outcome, whether big or small. Even if we only ever affect one person, it will be worth all our efforts. Because one person has incredible worth and value.
Connect with Hannah Rose through her Facebook page and her blog, and join her in spreading the message that just one or two lives can make all the difference!
Editor’s Note: This summer, we will be providing you with a Life of the Week story every Friday. Our previous Life of the Week articles are here:
- Life of the Week: Coming your way soon
- Life of the Week: Marlena Diedrich and the Acts of Grace Foundation
- Life of the Week: One mom’s hopeful journey from infertility to fulfilled dreams
- Life of the Week: Rapper’s heartbreaking video on regretting abortion has 6+million views
Please come back each Friday to find a new featured Life of the Week!